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Author's pov-

Porsche and Xiabio on their way for Xiabio's 1st day of school in Xiabio's favorite car . "PORSCHE 911 ". Yes the car company named after his father's name - Porsche was his favorite car brand.

 Yes the car company named after his father's name - Porsche was his favorite car brand

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At Xiabio's school

After reaching the school , Porsche and Xiabio came out of the car. Xiabio was a bit reluctant to go to school as it was a new experience for him and he wanted his father to accompany him . But that wasn't possible. 

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All the ladies looked towards the handsome hunk coming of the car

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All the ladies looked towards the handsome hunk coming of the car . They literally forgot about their own children and were just swayed away by Porsche's beauty. The husbands were kinda jealous of this behavior of their wives and gave glares to Porsche . Xiabio was silently observing and giggling seeing all the ladies and even his school teachers eyeing his dad.

Porsche kissed Xiabio's forehead and embraced him in a tight hug . All the ladies instantly became his fan including all the lil girl who were going to be classmates or batchmates of Xiabio .

"Xiabio, I will not accompany you any further from here . You need to take care of yourself. Make new friends, learn new things , give your best and enjoy your school life . It doesn't come again honey . Dad will come to pick you up after school . Ok?  And don't be afraid Dad is always with -Porsche

Xiabio nodded and a tear fell from his eyes .

" Oh my little phoenix dad is not leaving you honey , but you need to go to school na , when you come back I ll take you to your favorite ice-cream shop okay "- Porsche .

"Gentleman's Promise"- xiabio

" yes sweetheart, now all the best and have fun , I ll come to pick you up, bye"- Porsche

Xiabio went inside with his teacher and Porsche left for his company .

As soon as Porsche reached his company, he came out of his car in full swag and all the sub- ordinates welcomed him , greeting good morning . This scene was monotonous but the charm Porsche holded was evergreen .

While approaching his cabin .

" Sir , a person name Vegas has come to meet you to for a business deal . He was not having a prior appointment but..."- Secretary Mi - so ( yes mi so became Porsche's personal secretary and still his best friend )

" who.. repeat the name again "- Porsche .

" Vegas "- Mi - so

Porsche stopped walking . He went back in his memories . He didn't know if he was Vegas therapanyakul or someone else . But the name itself was enough to bring all those memories back. He missed everyone so much but still can't contact or go back as he knew they don't know that he is alive and it is best for his and Xiabio's safety . But still...

" mi - so what is his full name , Vegas..?- Porsche .

"Let me just contact the reception and confirm sir" - mi so

Porsche couldn't wait and wanted to confirm on his own . He would be glad to meet Vegas after so long but kinn would know about his survival.

Porsche reached the waiting area and peeked from the side wall and found Vegas therapanyakul sitting and waiting patiently . The world stopped for him. Did Vegas know Porsche was alive ? He couldn't think whether he should meet Vegas or not . He has changed a lot , he wears colors other than black and red , his hair are styled so perfectly that he looks charming , he wears a beautiful smile now. Vegas changed so much. And a ring in his hand . Did Pete and Vegas get married?

Porsche's brain refused to meet Vegas and he was about to leave when one one of directors of the company called out his name .

"Mr Porsche , you are here , I was searching for you in the office "

Porsche tried to avoid the situation but Vegas as soon as he heard Porsche's name ,he came to meet him.

Time stopped .

Both looking at each other. No words were coming out . There were mixed emotions being portrayed by their eyes . Face blank. Thousand of questions and things running in the back of their mind.

After a while Vegas broke the silence ...

"Porsche , you are alive ..."- Vegas spoke almost shattering .

Silence again surrounded .

Flashback ...

Pete and Vegas came to korea a month back for a few business deals . Therapanyakuls have extended their businesses to legal area as well . They didn't just want to rely on illegal businesses for life long and started to slowly shut down its businesses and enter legal areas. Therapanyakuls were still ruthless gangsters but something changed after Porsche left .

Pete and Vegas already came to know about that Porsche is alive a week back. But at first they believed it that it was someone else or their illusion as Porsche is no more . But yesterday they spotted Porsche sitting in the car at a signal . They run some investigation and got to know about his company, businesses etc. They were shocked . Why didn't Porsche contact them when he was alive . Why he just let them belive he is dead. He could atleast tell Pete and Vegas.

Flashback ends ...

" director Kim please wait for me in my cabin, I ll be back "- Porsche....

" so you were alive all this time , pretending to be dead "- Vegas said . He was hurt which Porsche could easily sense .

"YES..." - Porsche .

Hey guys . Hope you all are doing good . Please do vote and comment and let me know about your precious views on the story and whether you like or not . (  the wait will be over soon ).

Hope you guys like the chapter. Stay tuned for the next update . If you have any suggestions please let me . Thank u you. Will update soon.

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