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Kinn fell on his knees , all broken , so vulnerable, nobody has seen there cold and tough mafia boss this weak . He become a crying mess. Everybody was shocked to see him. Khun Korn , tankhun , Kim and Chay came running. They already got the news about Porsche and his unborn child have died in the accident. Everyone was blaming themselves. Specially Chay, kinn and tankhun. These three messed up everything, they took away there happiness, love ,and sunshine themselves.

Tankhun was unimaginably quiet and sobbing . Chay realized he lost his hia , it was him who didn't believe him , he cared more of the therapanyakuls, he lost his entire family. And kinn was beyond broken.

Khun Korn witnessed the situation and asked Chan to accompany him to his reading room. Vegas and Pete didn't spare a sight of mercy on the three, they both left the house leaving with the guilt and sorrow being tugged forever in there hearts .

Flashback ,

Porsche's pov

Vegas left me at the airport, but before boarding my flight , i decided to withdraw all my savings from the bank account about which nobody knows. I have to start a new life , just me and my baby. I would always be grateful to Vegas, Pete , Tay and Time .
The ATM at airport was out of order and there was 1.5 hour left for my flight , so I decided to go to the nearby ATM branch. I was already in a disguise so nobody could recognize me , even kinn. I reached the ATM and withdrew all the money , but I saw an old lady met with an accident and was severely injured . I ran to help her and took her to hospital . I was in a lot of pain but I didn't pay attention, I couldn't leave the woman alone in such a condition.  Only 30 min were left for the flight.  I paid for her hospital bills, still some amount was left with me . I hurried to the airport but the entrance was closed . I tried explaining the staff but that wasn't of any use . I wasn't traveling with my original name . I decided to catch the next flight in 3 hours .

I sat in the waiting area thinking about how my life a night ago changed completely and what will I do next. I was damn hungry and tired . I brought a few things to eat as my little baby was super hungry .

My flight was announced and I board the plane. I was on my way to korea when there was a news that the plane which I was to catch has met with an accident. My eyes got wide . Saliva stuck in my throat . Whatttt???. Thank god. Me and my baby were save. We were just paid off for our good deeds of helping that woman . After 5 min I took a deep breath .

I knew Vegas and Pete are going to search for me. But I will not contact them anymore.  I will pretend to be dead for all . I cannot put there lives in danger.  I took a deep breath . Life has become a mess.

I reached Korea safely and with the money I was left with , booked a cheap hotel.  I rested for a few hours before destroying the sim that Vegas gave me . I had to search for jobs to earn a living ....

Hey guys a short chapter as I am not able to write a lot, but I hope you guys enjoy. From the upcoming chapters we gonna see how Porsche makes a living and lives with his child. Stay tuned . Please do vote and support, your love is everything.  Thank you... Will be updating soon .

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