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Hello, I know the Voltron fandom is probably dead already, but you know those times when you want to go back to something that died a long time ago and try to bring it back? Well, that's probably going to be what this is.... 

Yeah... also I want to thank anyone whom is reading this for actually taking the time to look at this... 

Anyways, I hope whoever decides to read this enjoys this story.

Warning: cursing and gore!


It was cold, it was dark, and it was dirty. This cell was one of the worse ones, but it was better than being poked and prodded at most of the time. I really couldn't understand why those stupid guards were so rough with us, maybe because they thought higher of themselves. There were people like that back on Earth. To be honest, I actually miss my home planet quite a lot. Though I'm not that much of an outdoors person, I still miss looking as the trees and playing in the leaves... I wondered if I'd ever see it again. Probably not. It was highly unlikely given my situation. Even if I could get out, how would I get to Earth? I'd probably end up a slave there too.

Well, at least I got food for every match I won. Despite my small size and how thin I am, I can really kick ass. I enjoy ripping the bigger opponents to shreds as they scream for mercy. Pretty dark, but it keeps me alive and I've actually taken pride in what I can do. It keeps me fed enough to where I can take quite a bit. The Galra like me when I win. I love hearing their cheers. The key to the arena isn't how strong you are, it's how you can catch your opponent off guard. With as small as I am I have an easy time catching my opponents off guard. It was probably the best life as a prisoner I could've gotten. Despite the state my hair and my body, it could be worse. One thing I've learned in the Galra prison system is that it can always be worse. 

Maybe a few days had past, maybe even only a few hours, it was impossible to tell here, but the door opened and a guard grabbed me and dragged me to one of the cargo ships. The Galra officer didn't say anything to the group that was already there. They were comprised of so many different aliens, probably the best looking prisoners in the entire prison system. They must be really important in some aspect. I myself was still covered in my blood and my previous opponents blood, which was in my hair too. I had plenty of vomit all over me from myself and others. They don't give a single damn about basic necessities unless it's their own. All of the prisoners stared gaping at me, they've either been in a better situation than me, or they knew who I was. Either way it didn't make a difference, I was a hot mess compared to them. Most of them looked pretty clean and taken care of. I took my seat and it wasn't so bad. The ride didn't seem to take that long, but it could've taken days and we'd had no idea. I really don't bother trying to count anymore.

When we arrived we were pushed into the throne room in front of whom was the emperor. I expected him to look so... fluffy. His ears were gigantic and it seemed that he was all fur, but that was hard to tell with the armor he wore. I noticed he had a robotic arm. It matched the rest of his armor. For a fluffy, purple chinchilla looking alien, he was actually pretty good looking. There was a crooked old woman beside him with long white hair whom sat next to him. My stomach flopped in response to her glaring at me. I swallowed as much saliva I had in my mouth, which wasn't a lot. She then came over to me and pulled me up by my hair. I winced as it felt like my hair would tear from my scalp if she pulled me up higher, but no matter how hard she tugged my hair, I didn't cry out. 

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