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Hello again, I'm back! Hopefully this chapter is better than the other two chapters. Have fun reading and enjoy!


I moved cautiously through the halls and found where Lotor was being held. I got up on my tiptoes to reach the window at the very top of the door to try to look in. It took a lot to even get my eyes up to where I could peak in.

"Hello?" I called out loud enough for someone in the cell to hear, but not loud enough for the guards to hear. 

"What do you want?" It was the same voice as before.

"I know that you're probably lonely and I thought maybe you'd like someone to talk to. Time can turn into a blur when in the Galra prison, even only in a cell like the one you're in." I heard a chuckle.

"How do you know that? Telling by your voice you're just a little girl." He really meant to be rude, but I wasn't offended much by it.

"Actually, I was in that prison for three years according to the records, but I felt as if I had been there for eternity. Also, try to ration the food they give you. Do that, or you'll starve. I'll talk to you later." There was silence behind the door so I took that as a 'okay, you can leave' sign. It didn't take long for me to bump into the emperor himself, flanked by two guards. Uh oh, I was caught. I swallowed hard.

"What were you doing here?" He glared down at me. Despite our talks from time to time, I knew that I was still subject to the same punishments as the other servants.

"I-I was giving the p-p-prisoner advice... t-that was it..." I look directly into the emperors eyes trying to make sure he could see I was telling the truth. The menacing air about him seemed to dissipate for a second before coming back immediately stronger than before.

"That man had caused his own demise. He doesn't deserve help, especially from someone like you who would actually give him such. I want you to stay away from him, do you understand?" I was surprised I didn't get a beating for what I had just admitted to doing.

"Yes Sire!" I bowed low. I knew that he was lenient with me, but I didn't know how lenient. Or at least until now. Though, I wouldn't test my limits too much with the emperor. After a few moments I looked up at him shyly and he patted my head before leaving with the two guards. 

I had just escaped with my life in a situation that would've ended in the death of another servant had it been them. I was still shaking quite a bit after the fact. I was happy to know that the emperor liked me that much. I ran off to finish my chores as to make sure it was known of my gratitude. 

As the weeks past, things began to have a normality to them. I would do my chores and visit Lotor for a time. The days seemingly blended together. I enjoyed this kind of days blending together rather than that in which in a prison. Emperor Sendak, though, acted strange. He would ask me to stand near him and have me taste test his food and make sure it wasn't poisoned more often. It was almost like he wanted to spend more time with him. I will admit, he even changed the roles of servants, just so that I was his personal servant. I didn't have to do nearly as many chores and I stood near him every second of every day. The only problem was that I couldn't visit Lotor nearly as much as I'd like to. Lotor and I had actually gotten rather close to one another. He told me of his life before becoming a prisoner and it simply made me marvel. To say that he's never experienced hardship wasn't true, but his life was surely a good one.

"What do you think about me when you see me?" That was what the emperor had said to me months after the incident of me stumbling upon Lotor's cell and him scolding me and telling me not to do it again. "I want you're honest opinion."

"Well, Sire, I see a strong leader, one that doesn't except opposition from anyone. I'd always want to follow you, Sire." I puffed up my chest in pride in who I served so willing. He really was that to me... and more. I had to admit I'd follow him to the end. He treated everyone as equally as he could. I wanted to tell him how much I cared for him, but I still kept my mouth shut. It was better than going overboard and him thinking I was literally obsessed with him.

"You really think that?" I nodded. "I was a prisoner myself, I had to fight in the arena to survive. Did you have to, or did they have you do something else?"

"I fought in the arena, Sire. I killed to survive." I looked down in shame. I still hated those days. The worst part about it was that I had enjoyed it in part. Why? I'm not sure.

"I killed my opponents to survive, I understand that you don't want to remember such, do you?" I shook my head. "You and I are the same in that way. We're survivors. If someone were to try and kill us, we'd some how survive and become stronger. I think that's why you and I were destined to meet, because we have the same thoughts. We understand that the universe will always hold a death wish upon us, but we will prevail no matter the hurt. I want you to know that I'm glad to know that you'll follow me with such loyalty." His hand brushed back some of my bangs. He was so gentle doing so that I felt butterflies in my stomach. What made me really go red was his kind smile. That smile, would always stick with me. 

It made me so happy to know that he wanted to be around me. The fact that he thought we were destined to meet. I swallowed as he looked at me. The emperor leaned into me with his good hand on my cheek, pulling me in. I closed my eyes as well as he pressed his lips to mine and I to his. I wanted to make it last forever. My fingers went through his fur. It was so soft against my finger tips.

"Do you understand what I'm saying?" I snapped out of my little daydream for a second. I nodded. His hand removed, but he still faced me. "I want you to be there with me when we have to fight to defend this empire."

"Of course, Sire." I wanted my daydream to be real, just for a second.

"So, you'll stand by me when everyone will stand against me?" His face returned to it's usual hard look. Why couldn't he had kept that handsome smile back for even longer.

"Now, why wouldn't I?" I gave him a kind confident and puffed my chest in pride. I wanted to be standing with him until the end.

"No matter the death wish?" He continued his hard stare into my eyes.

"No matter the death wish, Sire." I was going to stand by his side until the end. We were survivors. We'd survive when the universe crashed and everything went to chaos. Maybe without him and I meeting the way we did, things would be far more chaotic than what they were. That part was hard to tell.

"Good." He continued his work quietly while I fantasized about the things that he could've done if he so wished. Maybe one day it'd happen, but definitely not today.


Thank you for reading! I hope you're all having a good day/night! In honest, I'm not really surprised that this hasn't picked up yet, mainly cause I'm writing a fanfic with an already dead fandom. Why? NO IDEA! Though, I do hope this gives some sort of inspiration.

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