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Hello, I'm back! I'm so sorry it took so long to get the second part out!(┬┬﹏┬┬)

I was really trying and I hope that you guys can forgive me (if anyone's actually reading this). 

Please enjoy this next chapter!


It was nice to be a servant instead of being a prisoner having to fight for my life every day. I enjoyed this so much, but one day things got a little stressful when I finally bumped into the high priestess. 

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bump into you. Please accept my apology." I bowed my head low in respect to the priestess. She was with two of the druids who honestly looked like big creepy looking crosses between crows and Galra. She turned and her eyes narrowed at me.

"Maybe you should be more careful about where you're going. What are you assigned to do now?" Her gaze bore into me harmfully causing my heart to speed up.

"L-Laundry, ma'am." I didn't dare lift my head in the fact that she would be the most likely to attack me. 

"Then get back to work." With that, she left with her two druids. I enjoyed being able to breath freely now, but I was still careful. 

I finished the job and quickly went back to other chores that I needed to do. The emperor always watched me after our conversation. I think he though I was interesting. There were no other things he did. I wanted to do all of my chores flawlessly so that I could get them done quickly. It wasn't that I'd get punished, it was that I'd have twice to do the next day. Often the guards would purposely make things harder on us servants because they had enjoyment from such. When they did that to me today, I tripped one and he fell right on his face. I giggled.

"Oops~." He got up and pointed his gun at me. "Go ahead, though there'll probably be a punishment for it." The guard got ready to pull the trigger when someone sent lightning at the gun and sent it flying.

"Killing a servant isn't what you should be doing." It was Hagar. "What you should be doing is patrolling this area, not making work for the servants more difficult than it already is." The soldier bowed and continued doing his patrol. That's when Hagar was turning on me. "You shouldn't have tripped him like that, even if he was ruining your hard work. Though, I will praise you for your quick thinking. Maybe, I'll tell the emperor of such." I was really surprised. Was she really praising me for tripping a soldier? This was nice. Maybe Hagar liked me and wanted me to work with her.

I noticed for the rest of the time that she was always watching my movements. She was careful not to be too obvious, but I could tell. I easily weaved through soldiers as I thought of how the two most powerful people in the Galra empire seemed to think I was useful and wanted me around. Hagar was often watching if I was having trouble with things. She seemingly had my back in almost every situation. I took every chance I could to earn praise. I did twice the work, twice the amount of serving the emperor, but still got the same amount of food and water. I didn't mind that much though, because I was eating and drinking as much as all the other servants. 

A week later, there was a very battered looking male who was dragged into the throne room in front of the emperor. He was throne at the emperors feet. I peaked between the drones to see what he looked like and he was extremely attractive. He had long silk-like, white hair. His eyes were yellow and skin purple, but he had smaller, pointier ears than the rest of the Galra, but I was sure he was one of them, a traitor perhaps.

"Lotor, you are faced before the emperor. Will you submit to his will or face punishment?" Hagar spoke and she looked quite troubled with this. She clearly had some connection with him. Come to think of it, they looked quite the same. Maybe this Lotor guy was her son. 

"I will face any punishment before I'd ever bow down to him." There was a smart look on his narrow face. He looked stubborn to the point he'd never do anything simply to please someone else. 

I couldn't help but feel fear for the man. One of the guards came forward and hit him in the head with the back of his gun. I had no reaction for the fact that I was used to seeing this treatment. Even after the newly made wound on his forehead, he still got up and glared at the emperor. There must've been some sort of rivalry between the two prior to this. I wouldn't have been surprised if that were the case at all. I enjoy the thought for a moment, the thought of rivalry for the emperor. Though, now I really doubted he really had any opposition now. My eyes moved to the emperor and he looked fierce, there wasn't an ounce of the kind curiosity he had shown me. I didn't know if he was going to kill him or not. Finally, Emperor Sendak spoke.

"Take him to one of the prison cells for him to think, he'll be a permanent slave here regardless if he bows down to me or not." I watched the guards as they took him away. They looked as if they were enjoying this. My gaze shifted then to Hagar and to the emperor. Hagar looked sad or more  so ashamed than anything else. The emperor looked quite angry about the man refusing to submit to his will. I understood that the male named Lotor had something to do with both Hagar and Emperor Sendak. Then later I found Hagar because I couldn't wait to find out due to the emperor finally telling me while I served him.

"High Priestess Hagar!" She turned to face me. I had ran to catch up with her and I was tired. She really did walk fast.

"What do you want?" Hagar was undoubtedly in a sour mood, probably due to Lotor.

"Who was that Lotor guy, was he related to you and the emperor? I understand if you don't want to talk about it." She softened quite a bit.

"He's my son, and he was the prince to the Galra throne during the time of Emperor Zarkon's rule. Lotor killed his father in a dule and tried to attend the Kral Zera to become emperor, but he was beaten by Sendak. I tried to protect him by not letting him go, but there was nothing I could do about it." So she was simply a mother trying to protect her son. Emperor Sendak was treating her son so cruelly, but he did have every good reason to keep himself on the throne. I thought of the male. Maybe I'd visit him whenever I could so that he wasn't so lonely.

"I'm very sorry for you, and I hope things get better for you and your son..." I bowed deep in respect to the priestess.

"Thank you." Then we parted. Hagar returned to as she was before I had interrupted her. 

I really couldn't help but feel bad for the woman. It was her sons life that was in danger; she was simply trying to protect him and keep him safe. I wanted to give her further comfort, but I knew that I was incapable of such due to my situation versus hers. Maybe if I could talk to the emperor, I could convince him to rethink the whole slave thing with Lotor. Then again, that would probably be one of my worst ideas that I've had in a long time. Hopefully things turned out.


Thank you so much for reading this! I hope this is good!

I know this fandom is long since dead, but I thought it would be fun to write about it! Plus, I got right back into it by accident...   ;_;

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