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We have the Queen of Wattpad with us!!
Kanyeinterruptedme me is a renowned writer on Wattpad. She's twenty - one a University student amazingly alive. Her favourite genre to read is horror but she writes romance. She is a die heart Barcelona FC fan.
1. You have worked on many books which one has been your favourite?
I think How to Kill an Incubus was tge most fun to write only, because it was different from what I usually write.
2. Your user name is quiet interesting does it have a special significance?
Not really, haha. The initials are acronym for Kim. I guess it looked clever.
3. Where do you get ideas for your book? Why do you think people love it so much?
It's different for every book....
4. Why do you think your work got famous?
People probably only read my work because they like smut. I bet if I wrote Stephen King's horror stories it would get only a few reads. I would still write them though.
5. Whose work have you personally enjoyed?
On Wattpad I fell in love with the work of @wendywriters'. She is a talented writer @Blondanddangerous is also pretty great as is @flowersniffinwhore ( this writer's IDGAF attitude should be bottled up and sold globally.)
6. What has been the most embarrassing moment of your life?
Where do I start? I had a Janet Jackson - Superbowl moment two years ago. It was pretty embarrassing and it was freezing you know what happens to nipples when it is cold.
7. Name one book you would like to be a part of.
I'd like to be a part of George R. R. Martin's next book.
8. What do you think you have attained during this journey of writing? Did you ever think your work would get so famous?
I've learned a lot of things about myself. Every story is an expression I am making and I am so glad that I am able to share it with people now. Writing has and always will be fun I didn't start writing to get attention. As a kid you don't even think about that like I don't even know where the first book I wrote is. It wa sin an exercise book and we moved so much so, it's probably been recycled by now.
9. If you could trade all your book with one thing what would that be?
I don't know maybe a chance to go to Tomorrow land fest. I think my husband will be a DJ. Watch this space, haha
10. What do you want to say to all your fans and writers out there?
I love you guys. It's amazing that there are so many of you from all over the world. Thank you for choosing to read my work. I can't even say how much I appreciate everyone who has even glanced at my work. To all the autors out there we are all a bunch of crazy people aren't we? Staying up till 4 am to finish a chapter, searching names for our characters on and writing story ideas at the back of receipts it's all worth it.
11. How did you feel about this whole interview?
There were some questions that I've never been asked before so yay!
This was unedited but thanks for reading comment if you want to be interviewed or drop a message of u want to help me to judge a few books read the prior part do not skip and drop a message if you have any suggestions.
You guys asked for it so the next interview TheUjelly_
Wattpad interviews with Me
RandomEvery Saturday I'll post an interview of a renowned writer on wattpad. From those authors you can learn many things and draw inspiration. Once a month I'll write a part about what random readers want from us. I'll even introduce an undiscovered writ...