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↳ Drama, Drama and more Drama.

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When Jacob said he was going to help April, he meant that he would ditch the girl and wander around the school until he was ready to step back into the library. And by the time he thought it was time to go back, he ended up bumping into Kol on the way to the library dragging someone with him. 

Kol stopped when he noticed Jacob walking towards him, he made sure to keep a tight hold on Shane in case he got any crazy idea about trying to escape though it wasn't like he would get far from him anyway. "What are you doing here?" Kol ask Jacob as soon as he was standing in front of him. 

"Our sister forced me to come here." Jacob still wasn't over Rebekah tricking him into coming to the school. Right now he could be sleeping but instead, he was at the school being part of his older sisters' games. "Why are you here and who is he?"

Kol should have known Rebekah was going to get the twins involved. "Rebekah wanted my help with something and this is Shane he is a gift for our sister."

Jacob didn't need to know anymore so he walked ahead back to the library and hoped his sisters hadn't murdered anyone not like he cared if they did or not.


"So is anyone having fun yet?" Grace knew the answer to her question and she knew it wasn't a good question. Who would even be having fun after basically being kidnapped by someone you hate who makes you answer question after question against your will? Grace knew she wouldn't be having fun if she was in their place right now. "Don't worry I'm sure Rebekah will be letting you all go soon." 

The library doors opened and in walked Jacob with Kol who stood at the door looking at the scene in for of him amusement at what he was seeing. Jacob was the only one who looked bored with everything. 

Kol glanced over at Rebekah and Grace and smiled. "Sisters." He knew everything that was happening in the library was Rebekah's doing and not Grace's. His younger sister looked as bored as Jacob did. Looks like both of the twins didn't want to be involved in Rebekah's games. "Look at this! You're even worse than Klaus." 

Rebekah rolled her eyes. "Finally you are here." She thought Kol was never going to show up, she was getting tired of waiting for him. "Did you bring what I asked for?" 

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