🍬 ⋆ 🍧 🎀 𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝟣: 𝒩𝑒𝓌 𝓈𝒸𝒽🍑💞𝓁, 𝓃𝑒𝓌 𝒻𝓇𝒾𝑒𝓃𝒹𝓈, 𝓃𝑒𝓌 𝑒𝓃𝑒𝓂𝒾𝑒𝓈 🎀 🍧 ⋆ 🍬

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Autumn woke up to her alarm. The first thing she heard was yelling, lots and lots of yelling.

"My parents are arguing again," Autumn said flatly. She rolled her eyes and stepped onto the floor, but then quickly pulled her feet back. The floor was extremely cold. Autumn grabbed her bunny slippers. Autumn loved animals or anything to do with nature. It was a part of her, and she planned on having lots of pets when she got older and moved out.

When Autumn got downstairs she discovered it wasn't only her mom and dad arguing, her two sisters were too.

" Autumn, you saw Summer take my shoes, right?" Winter asked. Winter was the oldest of the 3 girls and Autumn was the youngest. So that meant Autumn's sister Summer was in the middle. Autumn's family was special not just because they argued a lot, but because the 3 girls were named after seasons, and their parents were named after months. And usually, the arguing stopped by the time Autumn got home from school.

"I don't think so," Autumn answered with hesitation.

"See?" Summer yelled, "she is on my side."

"Sure," Winter grumbled, "give me proof she is on your side."

Before Autumn could stop herself, Autumn was in on the argument, trying to stop her sisters from arguing. "Winter, are you sure Summer stole your shoes? Did you look in your shoe rack?"

Summer smirked at Winter. "There's your proof." She grinned proudly.

Then Winter stomped off to look for her shoes, leaving Summer glad she wasn't in trouble. Yet.

Autumn walked into the kitchen and went straight for the cupboard where the cereal was.

" Autumn sweetie," her mother said "don't you want my delicious omelet? I made it just for you."

"Oh April, I think you have been mistaken. My omelet is the best!" Autumn's dad August said

"umm..." Autumn wasn't sure what to say. She hated it when her parents got in to stupid fights like this.

" I might just have a granola bar and go to school." Autumn grabbed a granola bar, and walked out of her home as fast as huanly possible.

When Autumn got on the bus she hoped to see her two best friends, Anna and Elsa. She walked to the back of the bus and sat down, as the bus started to move.

"Where could they be?" Autumn thought, and looked around the bus, hoping to see some sign of her friends. Autumn, Anna, and Elsa had been friends since kindergarten. They met at the playground when Anna fell and no one else helped her. The rest was practically history. The bus pulled to a stop at Autumn's school. In big letters, it read, "OAK TREE HIGH." Autumn looked around. She did not see any oak trees.

Autumn walked around the school.

" EXCUSE ME!!!" a voice boomed Autumn spun around to see a tall lady with high heels, a flannel dress, and a leather jacket. Her hair also looked kind of gray, so she must have been working here for years.

"Why aren't you at the assembly?" the woman said sternly. Autumn gulped, she didn't know about any assembly.

"I didn't know about any assembly," Autumn answered truthfully.

"well it's in the cafeteria," the woman told her. She still seemed mad at Autumn.

"where's the cafeteria?" Autumn asked, and the women pointed to a big courtyard. Next to it was the cafeteria. Autumn walked to the cafeteria and decided she did not want to have to deal with the mean woman anymore.

School Troubles Where stories live. Discover now