Chapter 3 The food fight

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A/N these were originally a middle school but i'm changing it to a high school because i feel like that's the age more betrayal happens so yeah this is a high school now. Anyways hope you enjoy this chapter 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊

Math had been long but finally Autumn was at lunch. Autumn looked around for somewhere to sit usually she would sit with Anna and Elsa....not this year though.....this year they were popular and didn't have time for "losers" like Autumn.

"AUTUMN" Coral yelled from across the lunch room. Autumn glanced at her. "COME SIT HERE!!!!!"

Autumn sighed and went over   to Coral.

"Still sad about your friends?" Coral asked. Autumn teared up.

"We've been friends since kindergarten i don't know what happened."Autumn  sighed.

"Didn't you say they want to some rich summer camp your parents couldn't afford?" Coral questioned.

"Yeah...." Autumn replied not knowing where Coral was going with this.

"There's your answer." Coral exclaimed. Autumn tilted her head in confusion. Coral sighed.

"Let me explain. You couldn't go to the summer camp because your parents couldn't afford it. Anna and Elsa had no one else to talk to. Britany might've been jealous of your friendship with Anna and Elsa she saw this as an opportunity to snatch Anna and Elsa all of this happened right under your nose. But why didn't you know?" Carol held her sentence waiting for Autumn's answer.

"Because i wasn't at the summer camp.......?" Autumn asked.

"Bingo!" Coral explained.

Autumn suddenly felt so many mixed emotions anger, confusion, sadness, betrayal, heartbreak.

"But they promised we'd be friends forever..." Autumn choked.

"Peephole change when they get to high school. Sometimes for the better sometimes for the worse unfortunately Anna and Elsa changed for the worse...." Coral looked at Autumn and hugged her. Autumn now
felt her face burn from anger.

"THOSE LITTLE LIARS!!!!!!!" Autumn got up and marched straight to the "Popular/Cool" kids table. Anna and Elsa were minding there own business talking to their new popular friends.

"HOW DARE YOU WE MADE A DEAL!!!!" Autumn screamed to get their attention.

"i'm sorry who are you?" a boy with sky blue eyes and blond hair asked. Anna and Elsa looked up.

"Sorry about her babe." Elsa said kissing the boys cheek indicating he was her boyfriend. "What do you want freak????" Elsa spat in
Autumn's face.

"Answer's!" Autumn hissed.

"Anwsers for what? The homework? Because i threw that away and if the teacher asks i'll just lie and tell her i lost it. You better not snitch on me!" Elsa snarled.

"Not the homework!!! Why did you break your guys promise?" Autumn glared at Anna and Elsa.

"Promise? What promise?" Anna looked confused.

"Oh don't act dumb!" Autumn knew that they knew exactly what she was talking about.

"They never knew you." Brittany smirked. Clearly satisfied with herself. 

"NEVER KNEW ME?!?!?!?!?!?!" Autumn yelled "We had sleepovers and shared secrets big secrets." looks at the girls "But suddenly i can't go to the same camp as you and you go behind my back and become best friends with my worst enemy...i can't believe much for best friends forever...." Autumn ran away with angry tears streaming down her face. This was the second time today she had done this now the school probably thought she was a cry baby but she had every right to cry. After years of strong friendship her friends did this? Spaghetti hit the back of Elsa's head. Elsa's neck snapped and her eyes fell on Coral.

"Why you little!" Elsa snapped whilst Coral was getting up from falling.

"Elsa i'm so sorry i swear i only fell-"

"Excuses excuses!" Elsa barked not even letting Coral finish her sentence she threw food in Corals direction but it hit a goth girl instead.

"Hey!!!" the girl yelled

"FOOD FIGHT" the red haired boy from Autumns first class yelled. Everyone broke out into huge food fight. Food was flying across the cafeteria. Some kids were yelling out reasons they hated each other some yelled out revenge plans to their ex friends. Words were said and feelings were hurt.

"WHAT IN THE WORLD IS GOONG ON?!?!? WHO STARTED THIS?!?!?"  The principal had just walked into the cafeteria.Everyone was scared they all pointed to Coral and Elsa. "GIRLS MY OFFICE NOW!!!"

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