Chapter 34

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It makes me sad to say this is the second to last chapter of this story. It breaks my heart to end it.

It took me so long to write this because I had so much to do plus it was a lot of write.

I hope you enjoy it.

Chapter 34

There was no escaping them. They were surrounding us as we were their prey. Some of them had sharp golden eyes that shined under the high moon like the black wolf beside me, while most had this dead shade of red. I haven't seen wolves like this before. Just like the one that was just killed, they seemed out of control and lost. They were stalking us, but yet it feels as if they still did not know what they were doing. I stared at them pulling my brows together.

The wolves growled and showed their sharp teeth as they approached closer and closer to us. By now I was pushed behind of Noah's back. Just like Dylan's wolf, he stood there tense and alert. By the look on his face I knew he was worried. By the way he held a deadly grip on my hand I knew he was scared. There were already so many and more coming. No matter how much we wish it wasn't true, there's a great chance of us not surviving this. The thought caused a shiver to run down my spin as I became more scared.

No, there's no time to be scared or worry about death. I was safe and I brought this unto myself. I wanted to help the wolves, and if Noah and Dylan are the only last remaining wolves of this pack then I would do the best I can. With a determined nod, I looked over Noah's shoulders to Dawn. She stood there shocked by all the wolves that were approaching. As if feeling my gaze, her head slowly turned towards me with worried eyes. With a small smile, I nodded my head. Her eyes widened at my gesture. She stared at me with wild eyes for a moment before nodding her head as well. Turning her head back forward, she pulled the gun from behind her back and got herself ready. Turning back to Noah, I pulled my hand from his causing him to sharply turn to me. Those blue eyes of his stared at me in confusion but I reassured him with a smile as well.

"Cover us." I muttered patting his back slightly. "Cover Dawn and I as we go to the car."

"Are you crazy?" He harshly muttered glaring at me.

"I must be because I came all the way over here to protect a couple of wolves. Now, cover us." I turned to Dylan to see he was staring at me as well. I stared into his golden eyes with determination before taking a quick glance at Dawn. "Both of us."

He huffed turning back to the wolves. Now in a defensive stance he let out a growl louder than any wolf here. Noah sighed beside me as if forcing himself to follow my plan. We looked at each other, and by the darkening of his eyes I knew he was letting his wolf take control. His hands reached for mine once more. With a tight squeeze, he brought it to his lips and kissed it. Not letting another second pass, he let my hands go and just like that he shifted into his pure white wolf. Letting out a growl like his brother, he snapped at the wolves in front of us then went charging. He bite down three wolves quickly before charging straight for the masses. I quickly turned to Dawn and send her a quick nod. With a deep breath, she cocked the pistol in her hand before running towards the car. I quickly followed behind of her as we ran to the black jeep that was sitting there.

Following Noah's lead, we ran straight through the path he's been clearing. Behind of us, Dylan did the same to any other wolf that was going to attack. It seemed impossible at first with just two wolves, but the brothers were holding their own. I took a quick glance behind of me, to see a brown wolf right on my pursuit. With wild red eyes it growled as mine met his and began to run faster. I called out to Dawn causing her to turn as well. Slowing down, I ran straight passed her as she turned around and pointed the gun at the wolf. A loud shot rang through the air and a yelp followed after. Another one rang out, then another. I turned around for a moment to make sure Dawn was behind of me.

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