Chapter 11

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This one is short. Sorry

Chapter 11

Oh how much fun I am having...not. 

Noah and Dylan left me earlier today to do some "bonding" as Noah would call it. I know that was a lie because of the serious look that was on his face. Now I am in the kitchen, sitting down on the counter with a glass of orange juice calling anyone who would pick up their phones. 

So far I got everyone's voicemail except for Jessie. She actually picked up, but had to hang up. It's as if they are all avoiding me. What did I even do? I hate these people sometimes. I should make Dylan buy me a cat or maybe a dog. Yeah, Dylan seems like that dog type. With a sigh, I took a sip of my juice and sigh. "There is nothing to do!" I growled jumping off the counter. 

Maybe I can go for a walk. No, the last time I went for a simple walk I ended up almost being raped. Noah isn't even home for him to save me.  

I wonder if Noah would mind if I take his car. What if I wreck it? He might not forgive me. 

My thoughts came to a stop when there was a loud crash from the living room. Being the curious little cat I am, I strolled into the living room to only see a wolf standing in glass. It was this copper color with these intense black eyes. When it noticed me standing there he growled and crunched down into a fighting position. 

Wait... Why am I still standing here?!  

There is a giant wolf in the living room for Christ's sake. I need to get out of the house. With on more glance, I sprinted for the front door, but stopped by a ragging brown wolf. There are two of them! How am I supposed to run away from two angry wolves? I can't out run them.  

With a shaky breath, I tried my best to back away and towards the stairs. Of course the wolf just followed me. The one from inside the living room joined in and growled at me. Well, I can try to run away. Can't say I didn't try to escape. I turned around and started running up the stairs in twos. It seems like that only made them mad. Thank god I made it to my room.  

Now all I can do is hope and pray that they don't kill me.  

Noah's POV (I know, what a shock) 

All the wolves gathered around the pack house for some senseless pack meeting Dylan just happened to call at 7 in the morning. Doesn't he know it was Saturday? On Saturdays I barely even want to leave my bed. Just imagine how I feel about leaving my house! Not to mention I woke up next to Stella this morning. What kind of guy would I be if I left such a hot girl in my bed by herself? A really stupid one, that's who.  

"Why are we here?" Louis mumbled rubbing his eyes and yarning a little. He leaned against the wall and looked like he was about to fall back asleep. I felt that way the car ride here. Thank god for back seats. "I don't know. Dylan is just being Dylan."  

Just then Alyson came onto the porch with a hard scroll on her face. I see someone isn't a morning person. "This better be important." she growled sitting down on the porch steps. About everyone in the pack was now in front the house confused and tired just like me.  

Really, Dylan.  

On a peaceful Saturday morning.  

I sighed deeply as Dylan emerge from the house with Andrew and Steven. Andrew was his beta and Steven was the third in command. They all irate me to the core. 

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