Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

I stared at the girl before me as she stared back at me. I watched as her eyes swelled up and tears trailed down her red cheeks. The moment she stood in front of me, she wrapped her arms around my shoulders causing me suddenly jump. With a strong grip, she pulled me to her chest and tightened her hold. I was taken aback by her sudden actions and found myself looking up at Noah. He was staring with such a look in his eyes. It was something I have never seen before and something I didn't want to see again.

When the girl pulled away from me, her eyes were all puffy and she stared at me as if she was waiting for something. I looked at her with the same expression and raised my brow. What was she waiting for? For me to hug her back and smile? She's not my favorite person in the world at the moment and I honestly don't want to be here. The girl frowned at my empathic expression before turning to Noah. She took a deep breath before turning back to me once again.

"What's wrong with you?" She asked slightly shaking me. My frown deepened at her question and I was slightly becoming annoyed by her. I noticed a new wave of tears starting to form in her eyes again. "Don't you know who I am?" I shook my head at her question while folding my arms over my chest. She turned to Noah once again,

"What did you do to her?"

"I didn't do anything to her."

"Yes you did, you were the one that did this." She turns back to me and took my hands in hers. Her blue eyes purred into me and she gave my hands a tight squeeze. "Alycia, it's me." She shook my hand once again then brought it to her chest.

"It's me Dawn..."

Dawn... Her name is Dawn...

The more I stared at her eyes the more it hurts me. I know her. I can feel that I knew her but I just don't know from where. I stared at her whole face for a moment then looked down at the ground. No matter what I do, it was not going to work. My head already is starting to hurt me as it is. I pulled my hands out of hers, placing them back on my side.

"I'm sorry," I muttered as loud as I can. "I don't know who you are."

The girl, Dawn, huffed taking a hold of my hand and pulled me inside. Her eyes glared into Noah's face as she walked passed him. He looked away in guilt but still managed to follow behind of us. We entered in the girl's house and I have to say that it was beautiful. Everything around was spit and shined and placed to perfection. She leads me up the white carpeted steps and down a hall. We stopped in front of a white door as she pushed it open. Her room was just as proper as the rest of the house. She walked me over to the bed before pushing me down on top of it. Noah took the computer chair that was stationed in the corner of the room and lead forward. His hands got stuck in his hair as he racked his hands through it over and over again.

Dawn sent him one last glare before heading over to the draw next to the bed. My eyes followed her to see her reaching for a picture frame. She came back in front of me and sticked out the frame to my face. The first thing I noticed was her shining red hair and blue/green eyes. A large smile plastered on her face as she hugged the person that was standing next to her. My face slowly went to the girl and it felt as if the air was kicked out of my lungs. It was me... There I was staring at myself with a girl that I don't even know. I looked happy and there was a spark in my eyes that I only see when I'm with... I stared up at Dawn before looking back down at the picture. Taking the frame from her hand, I looked closer just make sure I was staring at myself.

"That picture was taken this summer when we visited your grandma in Florida." Dawn muttered walking around the room in searched for something again. My grandma? She knows my grandmother? I looked from the picture to her to see another picture frame in her hands. I took it from her and stared down at it. This time it the two of us standing in front of what looks like a mall. My arm was wrapped around her shoulders and once again that smile was there.

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