Chapter 1

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Right now everyone was chasing Satan down through devildom as he was going on a rampage.

Few hours ago him and Lucifer had a bad fight and Satan snapped worse than he has ever before.

And nobody could stop him or get close enough to him. And the brothers were scared he was going to hurt himself or everyone else.

Diavolo : we need to stop him before he destroys more!"

Mammon : I don't think we can! This is really bad!"

Asmo : what are we going to do!?"

Lucifer : I....I don't know!"

No one had a clue about what to do until Barbatos said.

Barbatos: if he can be held down I can do a spell to put him to sleep so he doesn't cause harm to himself or anyone else!"

Lucifer: his anger is directed at me I'm the only one who can get close to him!"

MC: be careful!"

After this Lucifer took off further to try and catch up to Satan.

Once close enough he tried tackling him to the ground and as he did Satan immediately push him away and tried fighting him and pure rage and looking like he wanted to kill him.

And Lucifer tried to hold him back but couldn't and was getting hurt.

He was worried. Satan was beyond angry and not thinking straight. And he knew Satan was already in a lot of trouble with the damage he had caused and was worried what would happen to him.

But he didn't know how to help Satan. How to ease his anger and pain. He could tell Satan was in so much of it but couldn't stop it.

But then he decided to try one last thing he used to do for the brothers when they were little to help them when they were upset or scared.

He then was able to bear hug Satan from behind and tried and hold his arms down as he tried to do what he thought would help.

And with that Lucifer started to sing the lullaby despite Satan attempting to claw at him.

But suddenly it stop and Satan just froze as Lucifer was singing.

And as everyone got there they saw this and saw Satan Change back out of his demon form.

Lucifer then stop singing but kept hugging him and suddenly surprising everyone.

Satan started crying and screaming out of pain and rage but also sadness. His cries sounded like a child and it was heartbreaking to hear.

It was like all his pain and rage turned into tears and it wouldn't stop no matter how hard he tried.

then in a shocking turn of events Satan started getting smaller and smaller until he was the size of a child a little smaller than Luke.

And then passed out falling asleep on Lucifer.

Later at the house of lamentation kid Satan was asleep on his bed getting checked by Barbatos.

Barbatos: besides a few cuts  and brusies he's perfectly well"

Lucifer: how did this happen?"

Barbatos : my guess is that his outburst took too much out of him and weakened him immensely so he turned into a child. at his core it probably was always what he was given how he was created.

I think once he regains his strength he'll return to his normal form."

Asmo : is he going to remember us?"

Barbatos : I'm not s-

Suddenly he started waking up and as he sat up rubbing his eyes he looked at everyone confused.

Barbatos :  do you know where you?"

Kid Satan : ......home?"

Barbatos : do you know your name?"

Kid Satan : S....Satan?"

Barbatos : that's right. Now do you remember who these people are to you?"

As Barbatos pointed at the brothers Satan just looked at them for a few seconds before shaking his head no but then said looking at Lucifer.

Kid Satan : that's father...."

Asmo : technically you aren't wrong? Which makes us your uncle's"

MC: I'll be the fun aunt"

Kid Satan : ok?"

Diavolo : it seems this made him lose his memory a bit. I'm sure he'll remember soon"

Barbatos: for the time being let's leave it at this. Trying to make him remember or saying anything more could cause stress and won't help. You took care of him once you can again"

Mammon : yeah he's just smaller?"

Kid Satan : I don't like you...."

Belphie : nobody does "

Later as Satan was left talking with some of the brothers. Lucifer was in his office trying to process everything that happened as Mammon walked in.

Mammon : you doing okay?"

Lucifer : I failed so many times with him and this time it could of been so much worse.....I can't raise him I'll only fail"

Mammon : you didn't fail so stop it. You saved him big time. I'm surprised that even worked. "

Lucifer: all his pain and suffering.....his rage was my fault he was born out of the that I cause him this pain...."

Mammon : well maybe you can start to try and fix it? You are the only one he really remembers sorta? And he's your Spawn of evil. So you gotta toughen up get your act together and be a dad. you have a responsibility...... don't hurt me......"

Lucifer : are right but shut up"

Mammon : got it..... anyway I wonder how this is going to be.....kid Satan is different than adult Satan"

Lucifer : either way I doubt he'll listen to me"

Mammon : but now you can put him on time out?"

Lucifer : ......"

Mammon : also Asmo is already taking care of clothes. They are going shopping tomorrow."

Lucifer: he's been through enough suffering"

Mammon : yeah....we also might have to fix his room he almost got crushed to death by his books"

Lucifer : I should child lock the knife doors"

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