Chapter 1.

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The leader of the Hunting Dogs Fukuchi decided that they should all live in one same house so that they could kinda get along better and all. But how will this go? All the Hunting Dogs living in the same house? will it go good or bad? continue reading to find out.

Fukuchi and Teruko were waiting for the others infront of the house they all were gonna live in. They all agreed to have their own rooms but Teruko, Tachihara and Fukuchi had secret agreement before getting the house..
after a few minutes of waiting Tachihara showed up with his stuff. He waved at Teruko and Fukuchi who waved back. "Where's Jouno and Tecchou-san?" asked Tachihara wondering why they weren't here yet. He expected to be the last one arriving here. "Well my good friend they aren't here yet!" said Fukuchi in his normally loud, cheerful voice. "They're probably flirting or some shit like they always do." said Teruko calmly. Just as she said that bickering was heard in the distance of 2 men walking side by side of each other. "See? Flirting." frowned Teruko proving her point.
"Well whatever! Let's all look around inside!" recommended Fukuchi while they all went inside.

The house had 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms 2 of the bedrooms had their own bathroom, 1 big kitchen, a hallway and a living room that was next to the kitchen. The house was big enough for all of them, they were now choosing which rooms they all were gonna stay in.
"Okay listen up my fellow friends! we are gonna sort out the rooms we are gonna have! there are only 4 rooms so 2 of us have to share and i have here a list of where your gonna be having your room." said the commander and then started reading up the list. Tachihara and Teruko already knew the list since they all planned it without Tecchou and Jouno knowing.
"So! Teruko your gonna have the biggest room with your own bathroom since you are the only female here! Your room is not so far down the hallway to your left."

Teruko got excited and started jumping around  that she would have her own room with a private bathroom. "Tachihara! You are gonna have one of the smaller rooms but do not worry it's not too small! It's about medium size just how you like it! Are you okay with that?" asked Fukuchi at the last sentence. "Yeah thats fine with me!" said Tachihara as he smiled a bit. He doesn't like having a big room or a small one he prefers a medium sized bedroom since they feel more comfortable in his opinion.(my hc)

"Alright then! Your room is all the way down the hallway to your right!"
Jouno started feeling a bit suspicious when it was about to be his turn probably because that Teruko was giggling quietly but loud enough for him to hear as for the commanders tone slightly changed a bit when it became his and Tecchous turn.
"and now we have Jouno and Tecchou.."
And that's when they both realized what was going on.
"Absolutely not! I am NOT sharing a room with this guy!" yelled Jouno as he pointed at Tecchou next to him. The male next to him was a bit surprised that they had to share a room together when everyone knew they don't get along so well. But if he had to be honest they do secretly get along pretty good when they're alone but that's not the point right now.
"so, where is our room?" asked Tecchou to Fukuchi. "Are you seriously agreeing to this?!" asked Jouno as he turned to Tecchou. "Well I don't see any point of arguing about it so we might as well deal with it." answered Tecchou as he stared back at Jouno.
Jouno couldn't deny that Tecchou was right. As much as he 'hated' this he had to deal with it.
"Anyways, your room is close by the kitchen! You both will also have your own bathroom too, and my room is gonna be closer to the others." said Fukuchi as he then started taking his luggage and stuff. "Well then i'm gonna start packing out in my room and i suggest all of you guys do the same!" and then he left to his own room while Tachihara and Teruko did the same. Jouno and Tecchou just stared at each other for a few seconds before they both took their stuff and went to their shared room.

[ Time skip to where they got all the furniture in the house at 6pm ]

"Okay so now that we are gonna be sharing this room i want some rules here between us." Said Jouno to Tecchou as he crossed his arms.
"Well what kind of rules then?" asked Tecchou as he sat on his own bed (yes they sadly aren't gonna sleep in the same bed yet)

"First rule. NO weird food combinations in OUR room. And uh.. yeah that's probably the only rule.." said Jouno mumbling a bit at the last part. there was a small awkward silence between them before Tecchou spoke up.
"I'm gonna take a shower now" he then sat up and entered the bathroom closing the door behind him. Jouno started changing his clothes to a light grey tshirt with some black shorts and then laid down on his bed fiddling a bit with his fingers.

about 15 minutes later Tecchou came out wearing a white tshirt with some long grey sweatpants and white socks on. "Are we gonna have dinner?" asked Tecchou while he sat on his bed. "Yeah Tachihara came by earlier saying dinner will be ready soon, I don't know what we are having though" answered Jouno as he faced the wall next to him. (he's still laying on his bed)

"DINNERS READY!!" was yelled by Fukuchi through the whole house.

[901 words]
i hope you enjoyed the first chapter!! ^^

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