Chapter 4.

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"Calm down Jouno, yelling won't get us out of he-"
"Yeah yeah whatever just shut up already!"

If you couldn't tell Jouno was mad that he was locked inside with the least favorite person here. For Tecchou it was dark inside he couldn't see anything not even where Jouno was, but he could hear where his voice came from.

a few minutes has passed and none of them were saying a word. it was a little cramped in the closet room. Jouno could feel how close Tecchou was to him by his heartbeat that was beating not too fast or too slow. It was calming for Jouno. He then tried to move because he felt cramped but it turned out way different than he wanted it to be. How different you may ask? well, because Jouno moved too quickly which surprised Tecchou for a moment so that he also moved to now that Jouno sitting down his back against the wall with Tecchou right infront of him face to face. Both of them were blushing madly but none of them could see it. Tecchou's eyes just adjusted to the dark so he could slightly see Jouno. Jouno on the other hand turned his face away in embarrassment, he wanted to say something but it felt like he couldn't talk. It was as if something was preventing him to speak. Tecchou felt the same way as he opened his mouth trying to say something. His heart was beating fastly.

There was one thing both of them wanted. And they both knew what it was.

"Tecchou calm down, your heartbe-" before he could finish Tecchou grabbed his chin and their faces got much closer, Jouno flinched by that sudden movement. Heartbeats were racing fastly while the room got hotter and hotter. Their breathing fastened while Tecchou was trying to get the right words out while caressing Jounos lips with his thumb making Jouno go crazy over it.

"...Can i..?" he stuttered quietly trying not to make this situation awkward as it already kinda was.

Jouno just nodded slightly as Tecchou slowly collided their lips together. The other gasped very slightly of the feeling of their lips against each other.

This was such a new experience for both of them. It felt like this is what they always desired all along. Everything around them didn't matter, the only thing that mattered was each other. And only them.
The kiss felt like it lasted days, months, years before they parted. It felt so new and comforting to Jouno and sweet to Tecchou. When they finally parted Jouno put his hand on his mouth blushing madly.

"Y'all are so quiet in her- oh." said Teruko when she opened the closet door just staring at Tecchou and Jouno who were staring back. "You could have just said y'all would act gay in here." Teruko said frowning and closed the closet door again.
There was a brief silence untill Jouno pushed Tecchou away and stood up quickly getting out of the closet. Not saying a single word to Tecchou who was kinda confused of what just happened.

Several days have passed and Jouno didn't say anything to Tecchou which worried him a bit. Teruko and Tachihara have noticed this and are now trying to get them both to talk but will it help anything?

Tecchou thought it was his fault that this happened, he missed talking to Jouno. He'd do anything for him to talk to him again, even if it means Jouno has to yell at him or something. He just wants him to talk.

[ 4 days after the 'incident' ]

''i know this isn't right but how the hell am i supposed to talk to Tecchou if i keep remembering what happened...'' mumbled Jouno to Tachihara sitting on the couch together. Teruko and Tachihara agreed that she would talk to Tecchou and he would talk to Jouno to see if they can get them to talk together. "Well.. could you exactly say what happened..?" asked Tachihara. He didn't exactly know what happened because he wasn't told and Jouno refuses to tell him. "Hmmm how about you write something to him? like a letter saying that your sorry for ignoring him and that it's not his fault?" suggested Tachihara as he saw Jouno turn to him. "I suppose that would work.." He said thinking. "Well! it's soon getting time for dinner. Should i order something?"
"Yeah ask Teruko what to order i don't exactly care." said Jouno and went to his room where Tecchou was. Jouno didn't wanna write some stupid letter, he wants to talk to Tecchou in person.

[777 words]

anyways i hope you enjoy my story next chapter will be on wednesday or earlier ^^

also after wednesday im gonna be busy till may so i probably won't post chapters out for a while i think

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