Chapter 3.

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By the table was Teruko and Tachihara with their 9 cards and by the other side of them were the Suegiku soon-to-be-couple also with their cards. Tecchou was whispering to Jouno what cards they had so he could also play despite being blind. both teams were now ready to play. Teruko started by putting down a red 5, and then Tecchou put down a red 2. Tecchou and Jouno had their own tactic. Jouno would whisper Tecchou what cards to put down while the other would tell him what cards they have.

Of course normally you would not play uno in teams but Jouno is blind and would need someone else to tell what cards he has that's why the others thought it would be fair to play in a team of 2. I mean, what fair would it be for Jouno playing alone?

The first round won Tecchou and Jouno. Then they won't the second round. And the third round. AND then the fourth round and then Teruko started complaining that they were cheating and didn't wanna play anymore and that's when it turned 12 am where they all went to their rooms to sleep.

[ In Tecchous and Jounos room ]

"Jouno? Are you awake?"




"I'll take that as a no..-"

"What do you want you idiot."

"Oh so you are awake?

"Well i wouldn't have been if you didn't start talking." said Jouno a bit harshly but didn't actually mean it. Then there was silence between them. "Tecchou? Are you still awake?" asked Jouno but no answer came from the other. That's when he heard his heartbeat slow down a little. He was asleep. Jouno didn't wanna wake him up so he also just tried to sleep. But that wasn't so easy for him.

[ Timeskip to morning ]

Tachihara opened his eyes tiredly only to see the ceiling. He stood up from laying to sitting slowly on his bed and checked the time on his phone. 7:24 am was read on his phone as put it down on the bed. He then went to the door to open it while rubbing his eye due to how tired he was. Tachihara went to the living room just to see Jouno on the couch. "Jouno-san?" said Tachihara to check if the other was awake. "oh it's you." Jouno sighed. "Your already awake this early? I thought the Commander would wake up first.." that's when Jouno said nothing but seemed like thinking about something. "Jouno-san? I have a question."
"yeah? what's up?
"Why are you awake this early? You didn't seem like you were gonna sleep anytime soon last night when we played uno."
Jouno started to blush slightly when he thought about it.
"Jouno-san..?" asked Tachihara nervously and a little confused.
"Ah well uh.. I did. end up falling asleep but i woke up very early due to how loud that bastard breathes and how annoying his heartbeat is! My god i wish he just died.." said Jouno as he crossed his arms.
Tachihara just blankly stared at him not fully believing that. "ah.. i see..."

in fact all of that was a lie. Jouno couldn't sleep because he was listening to how calm and relaxing Tecchou's heartbeat was when asleep. He was basically only listening to that the whole night. He was also very tired and left their room to sit at the couch for some time alone.

"Tachihara could you perhaps do me a favor?"
asked Jouno.
"Yeah what's up?"
"Could you check up on the Commander?"
What a strange request.. thought Tachihara as he nodded and went over to the Commanders room and knocked on the door just to be heard with no answer. "No one's in here..." he mumbled as he knocked again. He then went over to the kitchen and saw a piece of paper on the counter. Tachihara grabbed the paper and started reading it quietly.
The paper said:

' if anyone is reading this then i'm not gonna be back for a while. And by awhile i mean a few days or weeks. This is a private reason to why im gonna be gone for so long. Don't worry i'll probably be back soon '

- Fukuchi.

"The Commander is gonna be gone for a while.." said Tachihara quietly but loud enough for Jouno to hear from the living room.
(the kitchen and living room are like right next to each other lol)
"Is that so? why?" asked Jouno as he stood up and walked over to Tachihara. "I don't know.. it says here that it's a private reason"
"Hm.. i see." he said as he leaned slightly on the counter

There was silence between them. For Tachihara it felt like an awkward silence..
"I'm going to my room see ya." Jouno said as he left Tachihara alone in the kitchen.


"TECCHOU WAKE UP YOU DAMN BASTARD" yelled Jouno taking Tecchous cover off. "Mmm... what..?" said Tecchou in a tired voice as he slowly and slightly opened his eyes to see Jouno a bit blurry. 'Fuck that voice was hot.. Wait no! i'm not gay! or am i..?' Jouno shaked that thought out of his head as he dropped the covers and crossed his arms.
"What time is it.?.."
"About 7:46 am or something." answered Jouno. "The commander isn't going to come back here for a while just so you know, we don't know why though."
"Oh.. i see." said Tecchou still very very tired. "Well whatever you coming out or?" asked Jouno about to open the door. Before Tecchou could answer Teruko yelled something. "YO GUYS COME LOOK WHAT I FOUND" everyone then came over to Teruko to see what she has found.

"A closet room?" asked Tachihara confused what was so interesting about it

"It's actually kinda big for a closet room.." said Tecchou as he opened the door to it. Jouno peaked over his shoulder even though he couldn't see.

"Sorry guys but..!" said Teruko as she then pushed them both inside and locked the door with a key. "And that's how it's done Tachihara" she said smiling proudly and left to the living room. Tachihara was a bit nervous about this but just slowly went along.

[ 1047 words ]
hi guys i totally didn't forget about this
also next week is gonna be a little tricky publishing more chapters since im gonna be busy there (not that i already am but yeah)

new chapter on friday or saturday/sunday !

i hope you enjoyed ^^

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