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THE ORIGIN OF Yoga was for the purpose of self-realization. And reach a state of liberation that no statue of liberty can afford. Easily it's more than a 5000-year-old practice and although I am one of the 72% of females who follow it in a routine, I cannot question why Sirsasana is the King of all Asanas.

Nonetheless this was a whole-body detox for me. After yesterdays chase and rundown my body was sore. Pain cuts pain. I used to do it on the roof of our apartment back in Hyderabad. For now I have resorted to the swimming pool below the penthouse floor. "Good Morning!" I huffed to Raya with a heavy breathing in my half-wheel pose.

"Devil of a morning to me. How are you doing? This little guy played for so long while Kush was in an important meeting." Raya complained, and securely plopped Tarun on the dry chaise far away from the pool. I think I will have to get used to not understanding Raya's behavioural pattern.

"I'm better. Trying to do the non-head required asanas only." I said as pressure built in my biceps and slowly on my head. I had thrown off that bloody white bandage and pasted the sticky one. "Good to hear Saniya. Let's go out for a phone and new sim card after the Team meeting."

In panic and disdain all night after returning back from the pool. Despite the easy going and exciting time conversation with Kendrick. Also winning the bet. When I had returned back the creepy awareness of being watched took over. Like how the thief must have watched my every moment before launching for the bag. Thrice I had woken up running behind him in my dream. I tried holding a brush and paint something to keep my mind off after a certain point. Somehow it did the trick but I had no idea what I was painting. Exhausted I had gone back to bed. My brain clouded with tiredness to think about my phone gone and card blocking.

Not many people were around here at this early hour of seven with the hatch of the sun. Mostly cleaning staff will come around fifteen minutes of now.

"I will get something to eat for him. Keep an eye. He is still busy in his Frog picture book." Raya asked of me as I completed my asana. "Kay!" I let Raya know as she trotted off towards the door.

"All good buddy, Hi" I waved to Tarun and he almost didn't acknowledge my greeting.

Then with those tiny deer eyes he looked at me and blinked. I blinked back with hyper enthusiasm. Then he went back into his book. Such a grumpy little morning monster he was. I bet he was a hyper active guy all night especially with his new set of legos and now he didn't want to talk at all. Such a baby.

"Which colour is the frog?" I persisted my conversation.

"Whot do ya meen? Frawgs are a'lways Gwreen." I am assuming he picked up a confusing accent for his English because of Raya's ability to excel at both, and Kush only in a mixed one.

"I have seen black frawgs." I drawled shifting into another posture the lady inside my phone was instructing to. "Na. Only Gwreen!" He protested. I grabbed the opportunity for something else. "Have you seen dragons?" I inquired.

"Dragawns! But I lwike Daanousaar!" Hi clearly stated his opinion still his head concentrated in his frog book. I wish I would learn how not be distracted from him, especially when I am painting.

"These fly." His head turned to me and I exaggerated my answer with two raised eyebrows and my lips puckered tightly.

He took a moment to consider his question, so much unlike Raya, and then pointed his index finger towards the swimming pool. "Do they shwim lwike Frawgs?"

"Yes. They fly like birds too." Unsatisfied with the information he gave one look at the hallway door and then galloped his interest back into the book. For a long while he didn't speak so I went along with my set of Pilates too. Burning away all those extra hot chocolates I have been consuming.

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