What thier favorite games are

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What think my favorite characters would play on a regular basis

Nori:she wouldn't have any time to play video games, she would be busy taking care of everybody

Eddie Munson:he looks like a dungeons and dragons online  player

Lizzy: I think she plays the walking dead telltale

Doll: she looks like she plays outlast and outlast 2 

Uzi: I think she plays five nights at freddys games

Tari: she plays super smash bros brawl (my favorite super smash game)

Melony: she would probably play anime games (I'm not a anime watcher)

Saiko: definantly guitar hero 

Meggy:she would play the splatoon series 

J: she would be too busy hunting people 

V: I think mobile games (when she has the time)

O: any game will do her as long as n approves of the game

Khan: he's old and old people don't play video games

Thad: I think he would play those specific type of anime games if you know what I mean (they are disgusting)

Jake Lopez: he would play any resident evil game as long as it's official 

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2023 ⏰

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