Chapter 1

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The world had changed. Humans no longer ruled the top of the food chain. Instead, they were prey. Mythical beasts, once thought to be nothing more than legends, roamed the land in search of their next meal. And humans were their favorite dish. The humans had learned to adapt to this world, building their homes high in the trees or deep in the earth, where the giants could not reach them. They had developed weapons and tactics to fight off the beasts, but they were always at a disadvantage. The giants were stronger, faster, and more powerful than any human could ever hope to be.

Jake, Sam, Tony, Evie, Molly, and Aislinn were six such humans. They were young and strong, and they had grown up in this world of giants. They had learned to hunt and gather, to defend themselves, and to survive in a world where everything wanted to eat them.

Jake had always had a crush on Evie. She was smart and funny, and she could handle a bow and arrow as well as any of the boys. But he wasn't sure if she felt the same way. He didn't want to risk their friendship by telling her how he felt.

Aislinn, on the other hand, had feelings for Jake. She had always been drawn to him, even though he seemed oblivious to her. She wished she could tell him how she felt, but she didn't want to risk losing him as a friend either.

Sam and Molly were siblings, and they had grown up together in a small village in the forest. They were close, and they looked out for each other. Sam was strong and protective, while Molly was quick-witted and resourceful.

They were all scared, but they knew they had to stick together if they were going to survive. The beasts were relentless, and they were always on the move, trying to avoid being caught.

The beasts came in all shapes and sizes. Some looked like old, fat women with the lower half of a spider, while others were cyclops, orcs, angels, witches, and many more creatures just as terrifying and hungry. Most of the beasts were female, and they all had very humanoid features. They could speak English, which only made things even more terrifying for the humans.

Once eaten, the humans became nourishment for the beasts. It was a gruesome fate, but it was one they had to accept if they were going to survive. They had to be careful, always on the lookout for danger, always ready to run.

As they walked through the barren wasteland, Jake kept stealing glances at Evie, hoping she would notice him. Aislinn walked a little behind him, silently wishing he would look her way instead. Sam and Molly stayed close to each other, always watching each other's backs, while Tony kept a watchful eye on their surroundings.

The world was a dangerous place, but they had each other, and that was enough for now. They had to keep moving, keep surviving, and always be ready for whatever came their way.

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