Chapter 3

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As the group celebrated their victory over the spiderwoman, they heard a low growling sound. The group thought they had won, but they were wrong. As they were catching their breath, the spiderwoman started moving again. She was wounded, but she was still alive and angry. They turned around and saw the spiderwoman standing up again, despite her missing leg.

"Looks like you humans aren't as tough as you thought," she sneered, her yellow eyes gleaming with malice. The spiderwoman let out a deafening screech and lunged at the group. They tried to fight her off, but she was too fast and too strong.

With her long, hairy arms, the spiderwoman grabbed Tony and wrapped him in webs. Tony struggled to break free, but it was no use. The spiderwoman scurried up the wall of the cave, carrying Tony with her.

"Let him go!" Sam shouted, trying to attack the spiderwoman with his spear.

The rest of the group looked on in horror, powerless to help their friend. They watched as the spiderwoman shoved Tony whole into her gaping maw, causing her throat to bulge.

The spiderwoman's yellow smile was cruel and triumphant as she swallowed Tony whole, savoring the taste of human flesh.

They could hear his screams as he was being digested by the creature. They knew there was nothing they could do to save him.

The spiderwoman laughed cruelly, her stomach bulging from the newly acquired meal.

"Consider this compensation for your earlier victory," she taunted, before scurrying off deeper into the cave.

The group was devastated by the loss of their friend. They knew that they had to be more careful and strategic in their battles with the creatures of this world.

They also knew that they had to find a way to stop the spiderwoman once and for all, before she could claim any more victims.

But for now, they mourned the loss of Tony and tried to regroup, knowing that the road ahead would be long and treacherous.

The group knew they had to get out of the spiderwoman's lair as soon as possible. They had to avoid getting caught by her or any other beasts that might be lurking in the darkness.

As they hurried through the lair, they could hear the spiderwoman scurrying around, searching for them. They tried to stay quiet, but the sound of their footsteps echoed loudly through the cave.

Suddenly, they heard a loud screech from the spiderwoman. They looked up to see her charging towards them, her huge legs ready to strike.

The group scattered, trying to evade the spiderwoman's attack. They ran towards the nearest wall, climbing up it as fast as they could.

The spiderwoman lunged at them, but they managed to dodge her attack. They continued to climb, their hearts racing with fear.

As they reached the top of the wall, they saw a narrow tunnel leading out of the lair. They knew they had to make a run for it.

They jumped down from the wall and sprinted towards the tunnel, their legs pumping with adrenaline. They could hear the spiderwoman screeching behind them, getting closer and closer.

Just as they reached the entrance to the tunnel, the spiderwoman lunged at them again. But this time, they were too quick for her. They dodged her attack and dove into the tunnel, crawling as fast as they could.

They could hear the spiderwoman's angry screeches echoing through the tunnel, but they didn't look back. They knew they had to keep moving forward.

Finally, they reached the end of the tunnel and emerged into the open air. They collapsed onto the ground, gasping for breath.

"We did it," Evie said, looking around at the rest of the group. "We escaped."

The group hugged each other, grateful to be alive. They knew they had to be more careful from now on. They were in a world filled with giant beasts that wanted to eat them, and they had to be smart and brave if they wanted to survive. The group was solemn, as they mourned the loss of their good friend Tony.

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