Chapter 7

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As the group continues their journey, they come across a clearing where they hear the sounds of a struggle. Rushing towards the commotion, they find two humans, a girl and a boy, being attacked by a large, hulking beast with razor-sharp teeth and claws.

Without hesitation, the group jumps into action, wielding their newly acquired weapons. They surround the beast and begin to attack it from all sides, trying to distract it from its prey.

The beast fights back fiercely, swiping at the humans with its massive paws and biting at them with its jaws. But the group works together, dodging its attacks and striking back with their weapons until finally, the beast falls to the ground, lifeless.

As they catch their breath, the group turns their attention to the two humans they just saved. They introduce themselves as Ava and Josh, explaining that they were traveling alone when the beast attacked them.

Ava is a fierce-looking girl with long, curly hair and a determined expression. Josh is tall and muscular with short, ash black hair and a friendly smile. They both express their gratitude to the group for saving their lives and ask to join them on their journey.

Feeling relieved to have found more humans to travel with, the group welcomes Ava and Josh with open arms. They continue on their journey, now with eight members in their group, determined to find the legendary safe zone and escape the dangers of the mythical beasts.

As the group continues their journey with Ava and Josh, they can't help but feel a sense of kinship with these two new additions. They share their own experiences and struggles with the beasts, bonding over their shared fears and losses.

Ava opens up about how her entire village was destroyed by a kraken, and how she was the sole survivor. She tells the group about how she had to fend for herself for weeks, constantly on the move to avoid being caught by the kraken or any other beasts.

Josh, on the other hand, lost his family and friends to a group of witches. He shares the story of how he was out hunting with his father and brother when the witches attacked. He was able to escape, but his father and brother were not so lucky.

The group listens intently, each person feeling the weight of the tragedies that Ava and Josh had to endure. But amidst the sadness, there was also a sense of hope that they were all in this together, and that they could rely on each other for support and protection.

As they continue on their journey, the group begins to feel a newfound strength and determination, knowing that they are not alone in their fight against the beasts. They share stories, jokes, and laughter, all while keeping a watchful eye out for any potential threats.

Despite the dangers that surround them, the group starts to feel a glimmer of hope, knowing that they have each other and that they are headed towards a safe zone where they can finally live free from the constant fear of being devoured by the mythical beasts.

Jake and Josh decided to head out into the woods to gather some fruit for the group, feeling the need to stock up now, so they didn't need to later on, when things may be more perilous. Josh was telling Jake of how wonderful some of the places he'd seen are, and he wishes he could just forget about the beasts, and enjoy life, which Jake wholeheartedly agrees with.

It had been tough for Jake since Tony died, as he tried to keep a brave face to seem more manly, as he felt like he was the man of the group, the figure everyone looked up to, and he felt he had to stay strong on everyone's behalf. One loss was all it took for Jake's spirit to shatter, but Josh comforted him, reassuring him that it's okay to cry, and allowed him to relax whilst Josh gathered the fruit.

Jake smiled, as he looked to the skies, and promised to find the safe zone, in Tony's honour.

As the sun began to set, the group gathered around the campfire. Jake and Josh returned with baskets full of fruit, and the group sat down to eat and share stories.

Aislinn and Ava sat together, chatting about their pasts and the struggles they had faced before meeting the group. Aislinn listened intently, offering words of encouragement and support. She felt a sense of kinship with Ava, and was grateful for the new friend she had made.

Jake and Josh sat on the other side of the fire, discussing their love of adventure and the thrill of the hunt. They laughed and joked, enjoying each other's company. It was clear that the two had formed a strong bond in a short amount of time.

Meanwhile, Digby continued to tease Molly, but she could tell that he meant no harm. She found herself enjoying his company and his sense of humor, and the two of them laughed and joked together. Sam continued to stare at Digby, oblivious to the fact that Digby clearly had something going on with his sister. He saw Digby as the big brother he never had, and admired him as such.

As the night wore on, the group grew tired and decided to turn in for the night. As they lay down to sleep, the group felt a sense of camaraderie and belonging. They were all strangers just a short time ago, but now they were a family, united in their quest to reach the safe zone and start a new life.

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