Chapter 2

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23rd March, 2023

   We booked a car and set off at early morning.

Getting the location the driver also looked surprised "A castle in that place? How can a castle be there at such a remote place? I'm driving for so many years yet I haven't heard about it! Are you sure about your information?"

We nodded "Yes. We are sure."

The driver didn't say anything more and concentrated on the road.

"Ei come on! Let's take a selfie!" My friend pulled me and we took several selfies together. Slowly we left behind the bustling city roads and entered the rural areas. The scenery was so serene and full of greenary that it was refreshing for our eyes.

After three hours of traveling we reached at the foot of the mountain. We took a halt there to have our breakfast. When the people found out about our destination they started to repeat the same haunted theories which we already had seen in internet.

"You don't know there were many people who didn't listen to us and dared to go to the mountain. Some of them had accidents, some went missing, some came back from halfway being scared out of wits and refused to go there again! They all had big cameras with them as they wanted to reveal the mystery of the castle to everyone but some mysteries should never be tried to solve. There were even two people who sneaked out at night in the greed of hidden treasure treasure of the castle but the next day they were found dead. Police concluded that they slipped their feet and fell to their death. But who knows what really happened..."

I insisted "But we neither have big cameras with us to reveal any secrets nor we want any hidden treasures. We just want to see the historical castle from outside where her great great grandfather once used to work. Moreover we're going in broad daylight and would return soon."

The elderly man still shook his head "Even if you don't believe our words, you have to take note that the road to the Castle in mountains is extremely dangerous and it is very prone to accidents."

"But is it really true that you haven't visited that castle or else how do you know that the road is bad!?!"

"When did I say I never visited the castle? Every person from this village have visited the castle only once in their lifetime but we never took any photos. We fear it, respect it, but we also believe that it protects us. Whenever we're in trouble we pray in the mountain foot and soon we get results too. We believe that the Masters of the Castle are our Guardian Deities."

We were already done with our breakfast, so we stood up and thanked them for the meal. 

"Okay then we're going off. Don't worry about us, we'll also pray to the Guardian Angels at the foot of the mountain, then they won't treat us badly."

  The people had complicated expressions on their faces but they didn't stop us anymore. We got in our car , silently prayed for our safe journey as promised and then set off.

   The mountain was desolated and had no human settlements. As we moved forward the road got shadowed by the tall pine trees. We were going through the mountain jungle. The road was bad and slowly the weather became cloudy too. A thick layer of fog was covering the roads. We understood why this road was so accident prone. As we moved forward the visibility became lesser and lesser. 


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