Chapter 3

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Lusi was walking ahead of us and we were closely following her from behind.

We walked through carpeted corridors brightly lit by the exquisite chandeliers and the walls were adorned by portraits of the Royal family lineage. We crossed paths with several uniformed guards, butlers and maids.

 We crossed paths with several uniformed guards, butlers and maids

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Finally we reached in front of a huge hand carved wooden door. A Royal guard stood by on each side.
Approaching them the girl told something and the guards opened the door to let us in.

We entered and the first thing which captured our eyes was the man who was sitting beyond the office table, eyes downcast, carefully examining something.

We entered and the first thing which captured our eyes was the man who was sitting beyond the office table, eyes downcast, carefully examining something

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Our jaws was the same man from the grandfather's album who was none other than General Yibo.

He was exuding a strong yet powerful aura even though he was just sitting there and doing nothing.

And then he looked up directly at our eyes and we felt as if our knees went numb. My friend clutched my hand out of fear.

Lusi bowed "My greetings Sir!"

General Yibo nodded "Okay Lusi, you may go now."

The girl went away shutting the door closed.

We came back to our senses. We too bowed "Thanks Sir for saving our lives. We are really grateful to you."

General Yibo nodded lightly but his expression didn't change.

"Madams please..." He said as he gestured us the chairs in front of his table. As we sat down he began to talk.

"It was one of our guards who found you two lying unconscious in the mountains and reported to us. He was also the one who rescued you. So if you really want to express your gratitude then you'll have to thank him too."

We nodded "Yes we will. We will"

"And don't forget about the Prince. He was the one who was most concerned about you and took you two in without knowing your background and even ignoring my warnings."

Our faces got clouded.

"Don't get me wrong. It's very normal for Royal families to check the backgrounds of people before letting them in due to security issues. At this point I don't know anything about you, so I'm unsure if you're a friend or foe. Hence to clear my doubts I'll ask you some questions and I hope you two will co-operate with me."

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