Chapter 6

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Chirping of birds marked the beginning of a new day.

The wedding day.

The castle was extremely busy from the early morning. The servants and workers were putting their full effort in decorating the castle and the gardens for the grand event.

Everyone was busy and we didn't want to disturb them, so we thought to visit the library instead.

The library was huge consisting of many bookshelves and cabinets where the books were precisely arranged in orders. We had heard a lot about the library. It was said that this castle's library had a wide range of books on diverse subjects and after coming here we can attest that what we had heard was true indeed. Prince Sean himself liked to read a lot and moreover he was an appraiser of literature alongside the arts. He was a man with eye and soul for art and literature.

As we were walking awestruck by the magestic library we spotted General Yibo. He was reading a book, standing by a bookshelve.

He was extremely handsome but had a cold aura which prevented others to go near him

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He was extremely handsome but had a cold aura which prevented others to go near him.

He looked up, he had noticed us.

"Good Morning Madams." He greeted us and we too greeted him back.

"Enjoying the library?" Closing his book he asked us.

We smiled and nodded "Yes, it's fascinating!"

"Mn. It's all Prince Sean's collection. He loves reading."

"Prince is very knowledgeable." We were humble

"Mn...okay madams.. enjoy the library... I've to go now. Pls excuse me."

He left.

We were also done with the library visit so we too came out to the garden. They were decorating the place with white flowers. Suddenly we saw the Prince coming out of the castle.

 Suddenly we saw the Prince coming out of the castle

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It seemed he was going off somewhere.

We went to him "Good Morning His Highness!"

He greeted us back and asked us
"Madams do you want to come with me to the village? Our villagers are very warm and I think you'll like it."

So we too set off with him. Prince and was in his own horse carriage and me, my friend and Lusi was on the other. We were going down the hills.

Lusi explained "Actually it's our Prince's weekly routine. He does this on every Sunday morning and he still came today even if it's his own wedding day. He is a very responsible King who won't neglect his duties even for once. And the villagers love him a lot."

The village was at the foot of the mountain. Prince Sean got down from their horse carriage and got immediately surrounded by the village children. Prince didn't get annoyed by them even for a bit, instead he was smiling and warmly talked a few words with them. It seemed that they had a friendly relationship. Prince Sean handed out each of them some candies. All of them were overjoyed and they thanked the Prince repeatedly. After that the Prince talked with several villagers about their problems and needs. If anyone was in trouble he promised to help them out, if someone needed money he handed it to them. It was so orderly so harmonious that the province had almost no trouble at all.

Prince introduced us to the villagers as his guests and they warmly welcomed us too. Some of them gave us fruits from their farmland, some gave handmade cookies etc. Some children came to us and complimented that we look beautiful and it was the cutest compliment we could ever get. Through their giggles and laughters we felt warmth in our hearts.

At the end Prince visited the Flower shop. There was a grandma florist standing in front of the shop.

Prince Sean asked smiling "Florist Grandma, how are you?"

She gave a toothless smile "With His Highness's kindness I'm doing all fine."

"I'm glad to see that you're doing fine."

Lusi whispered to us "In the last week she was so ill that she was at the death's door and Prince Sean then helped her with money and medicines. She is the oldest person in this County."

Grandma with her toothless smile added "His Highness looks especially more happy today."

Prince Sean smiled shyly "Yes Florist Grandma I'm happy. Today is going to be a very important day in my life and I need your blessings!"

"His Highness will always be happy. My well wishes will always be with His Highness and he'll remain happy forever."

None of the villagers knew that their beloved Prince was getting married that day but even if they didn't know, they wished for his well being to the eternity.

None of the villagers knew that their beloved Prince was getting married that day but even if they didn't know, they wished for his well being to the eternity

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