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Rushing back to the hall afterwards, Millie and I complained about the hard Math questions that had been included, especially towards the very end. The last few were so complicated.

"I skipped several of them," I admitted. "They were way too hard! And I'm certainly not looking forward to getting my result, that's for sure! If we're ever asked to do one of those competitions again, I'm just going to refuse!"

Millie agreed with me but on entering the hall, we quickly put the Math comp behind us. The seating and decorations were finally all in place and Miss Sheldon was directing a group of kids on the stage who were having a last minute rehearsal. I scanned the hall, looking for all the members of our dance troupe so that we could also have a final rehearsal. We'd been discussing it that morning and had planned to meet up just after the lunch break, but they were nowhere to be seen.

"Maybe they're all out the back or in the dressing rooms. I'll race out and have a look." I watched Millie head off to look for them and just as I was about to search the adjoining rehearsal room, Miss Sheldon called me over. "Julia!" she said, "Just the person I was looking for!"

"Yes, Miss?" I replied questioningly.

"I'd like you to come with me. The junior girls need a last minute practice and I also need you to help me with the Grade Five item. There's still kids who could do with some extra help and I think one more run through is really going to benefit them.

The look of dismay on my face must have been obvious. "Aren't you feeling well?" she queried. "Is your leg a problem? Perhaps you shouldn't be at home resting it!"

"Oh no," I replied quickly. "My leg is fine." There was no way I was going to tell her that it was actually quite painful. If I did, I was worried that she'd ban me from performing.

"I was just going to have a last rehearsal with the kids in my dance group," I tried to explain, but her stressed expression prevented me from continuing. "It's ok, though! I know the dance really well, they can just go ahead without me."

Trying to sound convincing, I followed her into the rehearsal room where the group of junior girls were waiting. I thought anxiously of Millie and the others, knowing they would be wondering where I was but I didn't dare leave to go and tell them. Miss Sheldon was a great teacher, but when she was stressed or angry, we all knew we just had to be quiet and do as we were told.

Thankfully, it didn't take long to get the junior girls in order and by the second run through, they had pretty much perfected the mistakes they'd been making. With a huge sigh I then moved onto the Grade Five kids, many of whom were racing crazily around the hall by that stage. There were some pretty hyperactive boys in that group and they could not sit still, let alone follow instructions and it took all my strength not to start yelling at them to stand still and listen. I was relieved when Miss Sheldon came over and told them off. That finally managed to calm them down and we were able to run through their entire item.

Just as we finished and I was about to go and look for Millie and the others, I heard an unmistakable voice. "Julia, where have you been?" We've been working our butts off trying to get our dance perfect and you didn't even bother to show up! Do you want our dance to be a success or not?"

The uncomfortable looks on the faces of all the others, just added to my humiliation. "I had to help Miss Sheldon," I tried to explain.

"Yeah, right!" I could feel my face turning bright red at Sara's abrupt remarks. "You're such a teacher's pet! You'll do anything to get on side with the teachers, even if it means letting your team down. Unbelievable!" And with a flick of her long blonde hair, she strode off towards the change rooms.

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