Stop pouring on me (petra gurin x fem reader)

613 11 18

requested by Dopii_


You were in between popular and not popular everyone knew you and you were cool with everyone but like you weren't besties with too many people only two people Enna Alouette and Kyo kaneko. 

You just got out of your first class of the day english, it was a pretty chill class, you had time to really wake up and get yourself together. 

You went to your locker and then saw your bestie Kyo, you came up behind him "hey kyo" you said in a low voice he didn't even flinch he just sat there on his phone "KYO" you yelled right in his ear he jumped and turned around angrily "your the reason my chronic illness is getting worse" he said angrily, you giggled.

"so what class do you have next" he asked you were about to answer but something caught your eye, your crush the beautiful and adorable Petra Gurin, she had beautiful silky black hair and orange highlights, her piercing ice blue eyes, She was the definition of gorgeous and cute, she was perfect.

She was standing next to Selen Tatsuki a popular tomboy, and Rosemi Lovelock a cute popular girl nicknamed Brosemi. She was just casually talking and suddenly she looked over to me and we made eye contact and at that same moment Kyo kicked your shin and yelled "Y/N" you snapped your head and looked  back at him "WHAT WAS THAT FOR" you yelled at him "you zoned out, what were you looking at anyway" right when he said that he turned around and saw Petra and he gasped "do you like-" he was cut off by you putting a hand over his mouth, you could feel your face heat up and your face felt like it was burning. "Kaneko if you tell anyone Chronic illness isn't the only thing that will kill you" you threatened. He nodded and you took your hand off his mouth. "ok ok jeez, anyway got to go, bye bye bestie" he waved and walked away.

You sighed and started walking to your next class, P.E., you got to the gym and went to the locker room you walked in and saw your friend Enna taking out her stuff from her P.E bag. You walked up to her "Hey Enna" you greeted your friend "hey bestie" she greeted. You placed your bag down next to hers on the bench. You grabbed your shirt, shorts, and bag and started to take your shirt off and started to change.

You got there  a little late so after a while it was just you changing, you slipped on your shorts and then took off your shoes and socks and sat down and started to put on your shoes, when suddenly Petra ran in "OH MY GOSH I'M SO LATE" she said and you felt your face instantly get red as she took off her shirt immediately, you looked away (polite girl). You continued to put on your shoes but your mind was blank you tried to not think about her taking off her shirt but you did and you would just try to replace them with images of puppies.

Suddenly you got snapped out of what were barely thoughts at this point. "hey (Y/N) are you ok?" petra asked "hm oh yeah i'm fine" you said looking over at her and she looked at your with her big blue eyes and was surprisingly close. Your face went red and it felt like it was burning and suddenly you got really light headed and soon you were looking at the ceiling.

*                 *                *

Your eyes fluttered open and you saw a white ceiling fan. "Huh where am I" you said as you sat up, suddenly you feel something on your forehead and you  put your hand on your forehead and felt a wet cloth. 

Suddenly you saw Petra walk in and your face went red again "oh (Y/N) im glad your awake" petra said walking over to the chair bye your bed. "uhhh is it hot in here it's really hot in here" you said as you felt your face burn again, and you were looking at the ceiling again.

*               *                *

You woke up suddenly as you felt ice cold water hit your face. "OH MY GOSH" you said immediately sitting up "I'm so sorry but the nurse is gone and I didn't know what to do, I wanted to make sure you weren't dead" she said quickly, she was standing up next to you looking down at you. Your face heated up again and she poured more water on you "HEY WHAT WAS THAT FOR" you yelled "YOU ARE NOT PASSING OUT AGAIN" she yelled back. You sighed and put your head back down on the pillow. "so your done passing out" she asked in a sarcastic voice. You laughed, "y'know we never talked before and I see you all the time in the hallway and in gym class but whenever I come up to you you turn around and walk the other way, or when I caught you staring at me in the hallway you looked away" she said. 

Now you felt guilty you didnt even realize you were doing that. "I'm sorry I didn't realize I was doing that, It's just that everytime I see you I get overwhelmed and nervous so i turn away or walk away.... I'm really sorry I do want to be friends.... or more" you whispered the rest under your breath "that would be nice" she said "what would be nice?" you asked, face heating up again "don't faint again" she said you just nodded and took a deep breath "It would be nice being more than friends" she said with a sweet smile. You blushed and you felt more water splat on you " STOP POURING WATER ON ME" You yelled.

Y'all sat there and stared at each other then busted out laughing " I really like you (Y/n) your so funny and nice to everyone" she said with a smile "thanks petra I really like you too" you said and y'all sat there smiling at each other. In that moment it felt like it was just you and her all your focus was on her and her beautiful face, the silence was comfortable and for the first time you didn't run away or turn away from her and it was really nice.

"(YYYYY/NNNNNNNNNN)" you heard two people yell you looked over and saw Enna and Kyo burst through the door and jump onto you "I HEARD YOU PASSED OUT AND THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD"  Enna yelled/cried while hugging you, Kyo pulled Enna off and dragged her to the door "Sorry (Y/n) I see your busy" kyo said with a blank stare, he then slammed the door "KYOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO IT'S NOT LIKE THAT I PROMISEEEEE" you yelled out silently crying.


sorry it's short

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