My ikey (Ike Eveland x Fem reader)

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"FINISH THE DAMN PAPERWORK" your boss yelled as he slammed the door to your office. You flinched at the sound of the slamming door.

 Your face heated up and you felt your eyes start to water your wiped your face before a tear could fall. "That fucking whore" you said with anger laced into your voice. 

You were pissed "I can't deal with this shit anymore" you said. You walked out of your office strutting. Your hair flowed behind you and your heals clicked on the ground, you were confident in your navy blue blazer and matching pants with a white button up shirt under. 

Your coworkers all opened there offices and watched you walk down the hallway with a pissed and disgusted look on your face. You got to your bosses office and swung the door open. He was sitting in his little expensive office, with his expensive looking sight of the city, feet on his desk and smoking a cigar. He looked over at you with a surprised face then a pisssed one when he saw it was you. "What do you want" he said in an annoyed voice putting his hands behind his head and leaning back in his chair. It pissed you off even more.

"I'm done, I expect my paycheck bye the end of this week, you can find yourself a new account manager" you said with a confident, sassy, and somehow angry voice. "what you can't quit" he said as he put his feet down and took a normal position in his chair. "why not?" you asked crossing your arms sassily, "because you are the account manager, you do all my paper work and close the office  everyday" he said frantically. "I'm your 'former' account manager" you corrected "WHY THE HELL ARE YOU DOING THIS" he yelled standing up from his desk "why am I doing this?" you laughed and strutted over to the front of his desk "because you treat me like shit, you make me do all your fucking work, YOU'RE NEVER HAPPY, YOU DON'T GIVE ME ANY DAYS OFF, YOU MAKE ME PAY OUT OF POCKET FOR ANYTHING THAT I NEED RELATING TO WORK WHICH IS IN THE FUCKING CONTRACT THAT THE BOSS SUPPLY' S ANYTHING NEEDED TO WORK, YOUR STUPID DRESS CODE,  YOU THREATEN ME IF I TELL ANYTHING TO HR AND PERSONALLY I THINK I DESERVE MORE THAN A STUCK UP PIECE OF SHIT LIKE YOU, WHO IS A FUCKING MAN WHORE" you yelled putting your finger on his chest and leaning closer to him every word because of the anger coming out of you. 

You stepped back and straightened your blaze and fixed your hair "now I am going to get all the possessions I can carry, I am going to get the rest this weekend so I don't have to see your face" you said calmly walking to the door then turning around "remember I expect my paycheck bye the end of this week or I press charges, and we both know that won't end well for you because we also both know I'm not the only employee of yours who hates you" you said with a smirk-ish smile, and slammed his door not even wanting to see his flabbergasted expression. 

You walked back to your office and saw everybody starring at you in surprise and they started applauding you. You blushed but smiled. 

You got back to your office and grabbed your work bag, backpack, and grabbed a box and put all important things in it, like moniters, pictures, important documents, and other important stuff. You held the box and started walking off.

You got to the street then it started raining "what the fuck" you said, but decided to continue, "whatever some water is not going to stop me" you said but then a car zipped past and threw dirty water on you. You just kept smiling. 

You went to the bus stop and a crackhead blew smoke in your face. On the bus you had to stand up and you fell because the bus suddenly stopped, turned out the bus tire had a hole in it so you had to walk home. You stepped in dog shit, then stepped in wet cement. Your apartment elevator was broken so you had to use the stairs. You thought it was all over when you were but five steps away from your door. Then suddenly the cardboard box fell apart and all your important things were on the floor. 

You opened your apartment door and was greeted bye the lovely smell of something cooking. You looked over and saw your lovely boyfriend in the kitchen cooking. You would usually run up and give him a hug but now you just dropped your shit on the floor. "(Y/N)?" Ike asked and turned around and right when you locked eyes you took two steps and slumped to the ground balling your eyes out. 

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