4/11/23 [all a vent.]

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[ Today sucked . A ,  you know who the fuck you are and you know what you did. ] /v

[idk i wanna be skinny and pretty and not fat and ugly but i can't rly work out bc i don't rly have the stuff to do it and i don't wanna get lost trying to go on a walk and the backyard is full of shit so ig i'll just be fat 4ever and nobody will like me and think im pretty. fuck bro i just wanna look nice and not chubby , i don't like my weight. ffs im 225 pounds im fucking massive and i hate myself , im so fat holy fuck . ] /v

[ why was i so angry today? idfk but i need to chill. ]/v

[ i have two people calling me darling , L & S and idfk what to think of the nickname anymore , L has a bf and has been flirting w/ me and idfk if his bf knows and idk , idrm ig but RAH. ] /v

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