Chapter 6

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Anakin, Luna, and Qui-Gon were running towards the ship getting closer and closer until Qui-Gon stood still sensing something was off turning around seeing a hooded figure zooming behind Anakin and Luna.

"Qui-Gon, sir, wait! I'm tired!" Anakin said as loud as he could.

"Anakin! Luna! Drop!"

Anakin and Luna quickly fell to the ground, then seeing a dark hooded figure jumping off it's speeder an taking out a red lightsaber fighting Qui-Gon with it.

"Go! Tell them to take off!" Qui-Gon ordered them to do.

Luna and Anakin quickly went inside the ship and meet up with Padmé and a man standing with her.

"Qui-Gon needs help!" Luna stated to the man.

We all rushed to the cockpit, and saw a older man and a way younger man with his hair very short with a braid and a short ponytail on the back.

"Take off." The younger man said to the pilot. "Over there. Fly low." He stated pointing at Qui-Gon.

The ship started up and flew over to Qui-Gon slowly.
Qui-Gon jumped on the hatch putting his saber away and headed inside. Anakin, Luna, and the young man ran out of the cockpit an over to Qui-Gon who was laying on ground tired and out of breath.

"Are you all right?" Anakin questioned running to Qui-Gon.

"I think so." Qui-Gon replied.

"What was it?" The man questioned.

"I'm not sure. But it was well trained in the Jedi arts. My guess is it was after the queen."

"What are we going to do about it?" Anakin questioned.

"We shall be patient. Anakin Skywalker, meet Obi-Wan Kenobi."

"Hi." Anakin greeted Obi-Wan, while giving him a handshake. "You're a Jedi too? Pleased to meet you." Anakin said happily then letting go of Obi-Wan's hand. Obi-Wan just smiled at Anakin.

"And Luna Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi."

"Hello, Obi-Wan." She said shyly shaking the mans hand.

"Hello little one." Obi-Wan said smiling at Luna.

Anakin and Luna sat on a couch as Jar Jar napped in a chair with his feet up on the table.
Luna had her arm over her brother's shoulders trying to keep him warm. They've lived on a hot planet their whole lives, and never been in a cold climate before.

Padmé came into the room and turned on a hologram showing a man on it. Luna didn't pay any attention to it, she was putting all her attention on her brother.
When the hologram turned off Padmé looked over to Anakin and Luna. Anakin looked up to her noticing she was looking at him.

"You guys all right?" Padme questioned.

"It's very cold." Anakin answered.

Padmé turned around an grabbed a small blanket. She came over to Anakin and Luna an wrapped the blanket around them.

"You guys cone from a warm planet. A little too warm for my taste. Space is cold."

"You seem sad." Luna said.

"The queen is worried. Her people are suffering, dying. She must convince the senate to intervene, or... I'm not sure what'll happen."

"I made this for you..." Anakin said lifting his hand up from the blanket handing Padmé a pretty necklace. "So you'd remember me. I carved it out of a japor snippet. It'll bring you good fortune."

"It's beautiful. But I don't need this to remember you by. Many things will change when we reach the capital. But my caring for you two will remain."

"I care for you, too, only I--"

"Miss your mother."

"Hello there!"

"Yay! Obi-Wan is here! I'm so happy!! I hope y'all are enjoying this story!"

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