Fainting (Part I)

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✨𝙆𝙞𝙢 𝙉𝙖𝙢𝙟𝙤𝙤𝙣✨

Author's POV.-

Entering the cafe you own; you made your way towards the counter. Today was a little different than other days as you were not the same you today. Reason? Your health. Your cafe was quite popular in city which means a lot of customer visits your cafe everyday. You were happy to see people around you happy because of you. Your co-workers also help you a lot. Without them it was impossible for you to handle. But sometimes you really pull yourself to the edge even when it's not necessary. You don't like to keep the work pending. So, you keep working until you feel satisfied with your work, even if it causes your body to drain out.

Today was one of those days. You have been overworking yourself from past few days. Causing you to feel nauseous and dizzy. You didn't even eat properly because you feel like throwing up after smelling the food. Thinking that it's all because of your overworking you ignored it. Usually, you get better without consulting a doctor so you thought this time also you will get better.

Making your way towards the counter you greet your co-workers while they greet you back. Lizzy, your friend and the cashier in your cafe greeted you with a smile but her smile faded looking at your gloomy face. "What happen, Y/N?" She asked being concern for you. You just shook your head, "Nothing serious. Same as always. I'm good. Is everything going well?" Lizzy sighted knowing very well that you won't listen to anyone. "Yes, everything is good. I think you should take some rest. We will take care here. And also there are less costumers today as compared to everyday." She said while you look around. She was right. The cafe was less crowded today. You nodded in approval as you also thought that taking a little rest won't hurt.

Sitting on the chair in your small office room which was in your cafe you made yourself comfortable. Leaning back on the chair you closed your eyes trying to ease your headache. A knock can be heard as you looked at the door before letting out a small 'come in'. Lizzy entered with a cup of coffee in her hand and put it on the table. "I think you need this." She spoke flashing you a sweet smile. You smiled back at her caring gesture and she left.

You finish your coffee and put down the cup. "I think I'll feel better now." You talk to yourself before resting back again. But seems like God have different plans. You again started to feel nauseous. Immediately standing up you rushed towards bathroom. Throwing up everything you ate since morning you sat on the floor feeling extremely weak. "What's wrong with me?" you thought to yourself messaging your temple.

Meanwhile, Lizzy was handling the customers very well when the bells rang indicating the arrival of new customer. She gave a smile to her previous customer before attending the new one. She moved towards the handsome male that entered the cafe with a beautiful woman. "How can I help you sir?" She asked politely but earn an eye roll from the women. "We will like to have some coffee." The male reply while looking at his girl. "Sure sir. Please take a seat."

After settling down the women started to cling on to the male. "Joonie, why did you bring me here? We could have gone to some more decent place." She spoke arrogantly eying the cafe.

You were still sitting on the bathroom floor trying to get some energy. Taking deep and slow breaths you decided to get up. Using all the power left in you, you stood up and walk up to your desk. Before you could sit down you heard some loud noises from outside. Looks like someone is yelling. You thought and drop the idea of sitting. You got out of your office room and heard a high pitch voice of a girl. You covered your ears hearing the shrieking.

You came out and saw that a women was lashing out on Lizzy while a man was trying to calm down the women. Both of them was standing in front of you while there back facing you. Your head was already hammering due to pain but you decided to step in. "What happen?" as soon as your voice came out both the person standing in front of you turned around. Your eyes widen and a shocked expression displayed on your face. Same goes to them. It was your ex-husband, Kim Namjoon, and his wife, Sia.

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