20: The Realization

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"And then he had the audacity to tell me to choose him because Suguru doesn't know what I need as if he ever knew. So I can't wait anymore I need to go out and blow off some steam. Are you in?" You ask as you look through your closest trying to figure out what would be a good outfit to grab lunch in then go to club in.

"I'm sorry but Kento and I actually have plans. Some relatives that didn't get to come to the wedding are coming to stay with us for a few days. It was unexpected and if it wasn't for that you know I'd be there." She sighs and you can tell this won't be the most pleasant visit because out of the two hundred and five guest that sent back the RSVP card there was only one person who declined to go. It was an aunt on Emi's side and she always told me stories about how exhausting it was to be around her. You didn't want to press her with anymore details because you had met her aunt once and you never wanted the misfortune of having to be around her again.

"Don't be sorry. I can always go out with Surguru anyways if he's free." You say as you stumble upon a black dress that fell right above your knees that you bought forever ago but didn't have the confidence to wear it; that is until now.

"Go get yourself laid and forget all about the bad things." Emi teased and you laughed.

"How many times do I have to tell you we are just friends. And don't you dare mention how we flirt with each other. It just playful banter." You say as you look at yourself in the reflection of your mirror as you held the dress up to you. You could practically hear her rolling her eyes over the phone.

"Whatever you say. All I'm saying you it wouldn't hurt to try something new." She said and you sighed.

You both talked for another hour before you heard Kento call out for Emi and she lets out the most exasperated sigh you had ever heard come from her.

"I have to go get my aunt from the airport now. Please stay safe and call me later."

You said your goodbyes and you immediately called Suguru. The phone rang a few times before he answered and you felt your face heat up by the sounds he made right before he answered. He let the most sultry groan out before he actually greeted you.

"Hey pretty. What's up?" He said as he let out a shaky breath. You let out a nervous chuckle as your thighs rubbed together.

"Is this, um, a bad time Suguru?"

"No pretty. You're fine. I'm just in the middle of my work out." He said as he lets out another groan and you hated yourself for wanting to hear more. "What did you think I was doing?"


You heard him click his tongue and let out a chuckle which only caused your body to heat up more.

"Such a dirty mind you have pretty." He says as you hear a few clicks on his end before some shuffling. Your eyebrows furrowed and you felt the need to defend yourself.

"What are you talking about? You sounded busy! My mind is full of nothing but pure thoughts." You say which causes him to laugh and that sound alone makes your heart skip a beat.

"So did you need something pretty or did you just happen to call at just the right time." He teased and you pouted although he couldn't see you.

"I actually had to go into town to pick up my new phone and I was wondering if you wanted to join me. I've had a rough couple days and I wanted to get lunch and go clubbing after." You say as you throw your dress on your bed and look for shoes to wear with it.

"I'd love to. What time were you thinking?" He replied as you heard a squeak then what sounded like a shower started. You wanted to slam your head through the wall at the image of Suguru naked. Get it together.

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