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With a scowl on my face, I glared at the calendar with my swollen and red eyes

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With a scowl on my face, I glared at the calendar with my swollen and red eyes. The aching bitterness of regret was escalating the tremble in my frame. The determination that had enclosed me within its bubble was no longer cradling me. The numbing ache in my head and body had vapourised all my determination. I was shaking. I was tired.

The nauseating scent of rum clung to my body like a gum ball. My belly shirt was still moist with sweat, as if I had worn it straight after dumping it in a river. The screaming voice of my mother halted my thoughts as I ran inside the washroom with a booming 'yes mom'.

"Azelia! Azelia!"

For all that I knew, certain guests were coming today and evidently, as claimed by my mom they would straight up shove their way inside my room. I rolled my eyes, a wince parted my mouth as an excruciating amount of pain thumped against my head, even rolling my eyes was painful.

Two days of ceaseless raving it up and drinking around made me look like a walking carcass, prepared to have tea and cookies with my family and their extra special guests.

The compulsion to disappear far-off from my home was enormously high. The world has always been particularly unjust towards me for some mysterious reasons. Before the assembling moisture in my eyes could trickle down and expose my vulnerability, I switched on the shower- a laughable coping mechanism whenever my eyes brimmed with tears.

Humming and mumbling with quavering chin, I did my routine and went downstairs. The place was spotless than I've ever seen it, with not even a speck of dust within my sharp eyes. My fists clenched as I remembered the arrival of those special guests.

Hygiene has always been my family's foremost concern, but up to this extent was something I had never seen. As I walked further, a note caught my eyes.

'Out for run. Join us.'- love Mom.

The immobile fury within me uncoiled at the texts written on that plain paper. With no sense of direction and pace, I dashed out of the door. As fast as my legs could carry, I ran and ran. The note in my hand crumpled, with the sheer amount of force I was applying to it.

The ability to run.

The ability to see.

The ability to smell.

Fuck it. Fuck it. Fuck it. Fuck it.

I have been living with these three abilities ever since the moment I was born, while the world and its people thrived on their abilities.

The ability to shapeshift.

The ability to mate.

The ability to do whatever hey desired.

Damn them. Damn this fucking world. Damn it all to hell.

I wish I was normal. I wish I was damn normal. A loud scream departed my mouth. Although, I was a reputable member of The Shadow Kingdom and my family was of the third royal lineage, yet, I was flawed in the worst of ways.

I wasn't them. I'd never be them. I'll always be an abnormal kind among them. My pace decreased gradually. My furious running turned into small and slow steps. The fury flooding my veins soon numbed everything as I collapsed on the ground.

I had lost the crumpled paper in my hand somewhere, but I desperately needed something to hold onto. My teeth were clenched so hard that my head was pounding.

Don't do it.

Don't do it.


In a peculiar velocity, I pulled out the dagger hindden within the security of my boots.


One word. Different meaning. Thousands of possibilities. This word was engraved on this dagger ever since I got this as a present. There was no name on it and no one upraised their hand when asked about it. No one knew who gave this to me as a present.

That day everyone advised me to discard it, as it could be from someone who wished me ill, but for some reason, when I stood infront of the river something within me felt reluctant to discard it. Ever since that day, I've kept it concealed within the safety of my boots and away from watching eyes.

The breeze blowing around me was fresh, crickets were humming and birds were chirping, as I ordinarily ran the blade across the palm of my hand.

It was sharp.

Sharper than any other object I've ever held.

I wanted to plunge it deep inside me, to tear apart my skin and draw out blood, but I abhorred scars with all my might. Having no scars made me look indistinguishable infront of them- I hated being the only one that was strange. An abnormal among normals.

Nobody around me had scars, despite the battles they've met, despite the life threatening wounds they've beckoned on their body because they could heal- I couldn't.

The humanly traits within me have always had an upper hand over those of inhuman one's. Always.

Sighing heavily, I closed my eyes. I was exhausted beyond words. The hypnotising tranquility around me gave an unfamiliar peace to my heart. I sighed again, wishing deep down for the time to stop and world to cease.

"Commander! where are you going?"

A scream reverberated somewhere far away, probably a few miles. I opened my eyes and in a blink I was sprinting, as swiftly as my legs could carry me. The scent invading my nose was something I've always thought I'd never encounter.

No no no no no no no n-

I prayed desperately to whoever ruled the universe and apologized simultaneously for all the curses I've hurled at them. The deliberate rustling of leaves piped my heart rate. I could hear the sound of another feet running behind me not so far away.

Please please please no please no

The terrifying horror of being captured shook me to my core. It was enough to freeze my blood yet, I ran. My steps were quick, but whoever was tailing me was quicker- way more quicker.

An animiliastic growl echoed right behind me, rattling goosebumps over my skin. My eyes widened, as I realised one more thing. Whoever was chasing me, was in his wolf form.

It was a he wolf.

I was being chased by a he wolf. Fuck.

My eyes glistened with unknown fear, probably because I knew that it was the end of me. Sweat dribbled down my forhead, yet, I didn't stop. Stopping right now would dwindle whatever remaining hope I had.

Don't get caught.

Don't get caught.

Don't get caught.

I chanted these words repeatedly inside my brain, displaying reasons and visualising the aftermath of getting caught.

I'll be bonded. Restrained. Confined. With no freedom over myself. Praying to the only goddess I knew, I ran as fast as I could. My mind repeatedly envisioned the things I could've done if I was normal like any another.

But I wasn't.

Out of a sudden an authoritative force knocked my frame down. In a flash, my struggles, my efforts and my future took the fall with me.

My jaw clenched, rage crippling into millions fragments beneath my skin. My brain a maze of thoughts and fury.

I was caught.

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