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A/N : If i put this: ,,*∞:.。  。.:∞*"  then it just means that there is a timeskip. I think it's cute:)

Bella's overthinking immediately went away after she felt Lorenzo's lips on her.

Butterflies is what she felt.

Bella felt different.

A good diffrent.

She felt complete.

Sure, it was an innocent kiss but the way he was so gentle and caring meant a lot more to Bella.

A good few minutes later Bella pulled away since Lorenzo showed no signs of stopping.

Their faces were centimeters away from each other and the only thing you could hear was Bella's breathing.

Her rosy cheeks were as clear as the day whilst biting her bottom lip.

The hand that was cupping Bella's face went over to her lips to pull the bottom one out of her teeth.

,, You don't know for how long i wanted to do that, baby." His eyes roamed her face in adoration.

Blushing even more, if that was even possible, she cracked a little smile and decided to be bold.

,, I-I wanted you to do that too."

,, Oh yeah?" raising his two eyebrows as he didn't expect her to say that.

My baby is getting bolder now huh.

She nodded her head and let out a few quiet giggles.

,, Good because now that I've started I'm never going to stop, baby." He admitted and started to drown her with his kisses.

                          ♥*♡∞:。.。  。.。:∞♡*♥

The next morning was more than perfect.

Bella was the first to wake up. She turned her head to the side and saw Lorenzo peacefully sleeping. His chest falling up and down calmly.

Bella smiled at the memory from yesterday. It truly was a bliss. It was her first kiss and she couldn't have imagined it better. It felt like fireworks exploded in her body and around them.

Her, still in her little dream world, didn't notice that Lori woke up already and stared at her in awe.

,, Good morning, baby."

Bella always blushed at the sound of his morning voice. She already loved his normal voice but there was just something about that morning voice.

,, Good morning, lori." She said back. She smiled when he hugged her tighter against his chest.

,, Slept good?" He asked.

Bella nodded her head and closed her eyes again, enjoying the warmth she felt against his clothed chest.

,, You wanna stay at home today or do something I have planed ?" He finally wanted to take her out on a real date and ask her something he wanted to ask for a while now.

,, What have you planed?" She asked exited. Sure, Bella loved to stay in and prefered it most of the time to just cuddle but sometimes it was nice to go out and to enjoy theirselves.

,, Its a suprise, pretty baby. Hm? You wanna go?"

Bella nodded her head excited and smiled at him.

,, Good stuff. Now, come on let's go brush our
teeth and eat something." He tapped her butt and helped her get out of bed.

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