A Disruption During Civilised Pregaming

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It was at six o'clock on the dot that my guests began to arrive, almost in a flurry as if all determined to be at Grimmauld Place exactly on time. Ron and Hermione, Minerva and Dromeda, Bill and Fleur, and Luna, Willow and Ziggy were all with me to greet them. Teddy and Victoire were too hyper and excited to see everyone dressed up as they rushed around and generally got in the way.

Luna remained snuggled against my arm and she reassuringly whispered to me more than once, 'you're okay, Harry. Remember, you're the one in control here. This is your house and these are your friends and family.'

First came the entire Weasley family with their various partners, including Pansy and Blaise. And then Dean and Seamus arrived full of exuberance and hugs and I was happy to see them for the first time since the war. Lavender had agreed to meet Draco at Grimmauld Place and she arrived at the same time as Neville and Hannah and Pomona Sprout and Horace Slughorn. I was glad for the tall ceilings when Hagrid and Madame Maxime were shown up to the Drawing Room by Mr Kreacher, who was looking very proud in his uniform. And then there was Professor Flitwick with his wife, and Rolanda Hooch arrived holding hands with Aurora Sinistra. Then Lee and Angela and Oliver arrived together. Followed by Kingsley Shacklebolt and his wife.

And all through greeting my guests on arrival, Luna stood by side, keeping me grounded as I ignored the growing mound of presents on the coffee table and the anxiety in the pit of my stomach. Though I knew, deep down, that the anxiety was connected to seeing Draco after our upset in Dublin and then the appearance of Johan, as much as anything else.

As everyone arrived and the room began to fill, I understood Walburga's pride at the parties held at the house. Despite how surreal it felt that this was mine, there was something special in seeing everyone dressed up and looking so spectacular and seeing my House-Elves weave between my guests with trays of champagne glasses and canapés.

'We can't stay long, Harry,' Kingsley said in his deep rumbling voice as he shook my hand. 'I need to be at the Ministry to greet arrivals.'

I admit to being distracted and barely listening to him until, finally, Xenophilius, Narcissa, Lucius, and Draco were shown upstairs by Mr Kreacher.

It felt like all the noise and hubbub zoned away as I looked at Draco across the room. He found me, almost immediately, in the crowded room and held my gaze. I smiled fondly, relieved to finally see him, and he nodded, a reciprocated look of relief on his face.

I made my excuses to the Minister and made my way towards the little party with Luna on my arm. And I couldn't help noticing the Draco was looking me up and down, inspecting my dress robes, his eyes slightly wide and a lopsided smile on his face that once more reminded me of third year.

'You look... taller,' he said by way of a greeting.

It was then that a House-Elf, who I didn't recognise, appeared with a tray of filled bubbling champagne glasses. I noticed that they wore the Potter uniform, though the waistcoat looked a little large.

'Drink, Mrs Malfoy?' they said to Narcissa.

'Thank you,' she said, taking a glass.

'Who are you?' I said, forgetting my guests and addressing the House-Elf.

'Misty, Master Harry.'


'Yes,' they said offering Luna and then Lucius a glass with a slight bow.

'You're wearing my House-Elf uniform,' I accused.

'Yes, Master Harry. Misty is being very smart and proper for such an occasion.' They turned to Draco and Xenophilius with their tray.

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