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I sit alone in the library. I open up the book I'm supposed to be studying from and start reading.
"Hey, Darling. Could you please scooch a bit so I can get past?" The kind librarian asks me. I nod pushing my glasses up slightly. I move slightly giving her space to walk past. This librarian is the kindest person in my life. Lily, the caretaker in my orphanage is an ignorant b-...person. This librarian is the only human who treats me right, who smiles at me, who talks to me when I'm feeling down, my only friend. That sounds so sad but that's how my life is.

I sneak a look away from my book as loud noises come from the entrance of the library. The new boy. Cute, like the others, as usual. But also, he won't ever notice me ever.
"Justin! Justin! Justin!" The jocks chant lifting the boy up on their shoulders.
"Get out! This is a library children!" The librarian shoos them away. The new boy looks at me and keeps his eyes on me.
I grab my bags and all of my equipment and walk towards him.
"Hey." I fake a smile.
"Hey cutie." He says in the most douche way possible.
"Well, stop looking at me. It's annoying." I say with a bit of sass.
"Honey, I'm a jock. I'm popular. Everyone likes me? Now why don't you? Now run off to your non existing friends and get a life." He looks at me up and down. I push him hard on the shoulder and walk past. I start sobbing and I run out of the library in tears.


Why did I have to be such a douche? She was cute and I liked the way she defended herself, it's hot. Her hair and eyes are so beautiful and her voice is so cute and innocent. I'm such a shit head. The girl walks away from me in tears making me feel embarrassed in myself.
The librarian follows her looking at me as if I just ruined her life.

I get out of the library without my 'friends' and follow the girl. The librarian pushes me away.
"You are such an idiot. She can't stick up for herself. She's emotionally unstable and you being all rude to her in front of most of the school isn't very helpful." She tells me sternly.
"She deserved it," no she didn't, "she came to me! What was I gonna do?" I say in the same tone as she did before.
"Wow. The boys in this school are getting worse and worse huh. Just go and apologies to her. At least." The librarian begs.
"Ok. Mom." I laugh. I walk away and follow the girl. I walk out of the school following her. She walks to the back and goes on the swings. She looks at me and then looks down sadly.

"Hey I'm sorry. That was a really big douche move I did there." I chuckle. She looks at me as if I killed her parents.
"Yeah. It was. Why did you do it?" She turns herself so she's facing me. I decide to be honest. who knows? She could be some mind reader.
"Well, I just joined this school, as you can obviously tell. And I just made some friends and their popular and everyone likes them and stuff and I thought that was a good crowd for me. And if I was nice to you and apologised in front of them than they would call me 'pussy' and stuff and I would be doomed. On my first day! I'm so sorry for what I did." I say honestly.
"What? Did Julie tell you to come here and 'at least' apologise to me." She's a smart ass.
"If Julie is the librarian than yes. But I was going to go anyway." I say with full honestly in my face. She nods and opens her book again and starts reading.
"Wanna go out to get lunch? I'll buy food for you?" I wink.
"Stop pretending you care about me. I accepted your apology. You can run back to your friends. Oh and my name is Ariana, now you know the name of 'that girl you made cry" Ariana says not believing a word I said.
"Why would I apologise if I didn't mean it. None of my friends are here. No one is here but us. No one knows I apologised." I say putting my hands up as if I was surrendering.
"Okay. Okay. We can go get food." She says after thinking about it slightly.
"Great!" I smile.


We arrive at the mall and walk around.
"Tell me about yourself." I smile looking at her drink her water.
"Well, I'm in orphan." She says awkwardly.
"Oh shit. I'm so sorry." I look at her sadly.
"Hey I got over it a few years ago! Don't worry!" She says almost too normally.
"Um ok. What else?" I ask sitting down on a bench.
"I love horror movies, eating, reading, studying and I have no friends at all." She smiles softly.
"Oh, well I can be your friend. There you go! You have one friend so far!" I smile and rub her arm.
"Thanks. Well what about you cutie?" She mocks me making me chuckle.
"Well I have a mother. My dad and her divorced quite a while ago and now he has two other children. Their really cute and nice!" I smile at the thought of Jazmyn & Jaxon.


He's really cute. And nice. Now that I know more about him. Yes I'm stupid for forgiving him but I think he just made a mistake and I understand his situation.
"Wanna buy some clothes?" Justin takes out his wallet.
"No! You don't have to! Don't waste money on me!" I say seriously.
"I want to. You're a cute and very nice girl and I think you should buy some more clothes as a thank you present for forgiving me." Justin says looking at me as if he is begging for me to accept. I sigh.
"Okay. Jesus your eyes." I blurt out.
"Excuse me." He blushes.
"Um nothing. So let's go get those clothes!" I try to change the topic.
"So you like my eyes huh?" Justin winks at me making me blush like crazy.
"Stop." I say grabbing him.
"Stop what?" He asks.
"Stop doing that thing with your face that makes me hypnotised Jesus. You could be taking over nations but your here buying a girl clothes." I giggle.
"I'm secretly president." He whispers making me laugh out loud. His smile is the cutest thing ever. I think I'm falling for a jock. This can't be happening. He won't ever like me.
"Your laugh is adorable." He grabs my hand. I look at our interlocked hands and smile.
"So, what about that friends thing?" I say looking at our hands.
"Oh sorry. I thought you liked it." He pulls our hands apart.
"I did." I say getting his hand back in mine again.

After talking for a while. I really got to know him. What he likes, dislikes. His passions. Im starting to really like him. Like, really like him. I check my phone and look at the time.
"Shit." I say pulling him with me. We both run out of the mall and spring back to school. The bells rings and were perfectly on time. Suddenly I realised. Our hands. I pull them apart.
"So I'll see you later." He smirks.
"Yeah! Here's my number," I pass him it and he texts me, "maybe I could go over tonight!" I invite myself to his.
"Yeah that would be nice!" He smiles.

everything changes // JarianaWhere stories live. Discover now