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The weekend passes quickly and it's a school day. Justin kept begging me to wear those clothes or something different like that. I accepted but only for today. (her outfit is up there) I do my hair half up half down with a small fringe and than my make up is a smokey eye with some sort of matte lipstick like last time.

I walk downstairs with a shy expression on my face.
"Woah. Ariana. What are you are you wearing? Not that it's bad." Bobby the care centres douche bag. He is also one of the jocks, one of the main ones actually. He is the most annoying guy I've ever met but okay, my smile still remains on my face.
"Thank you." I fake a giggle subtly.
"How about I walk you to school." He winks.
"Um no thanks. I don't need an escort right this moment. Maybe later." I say with a small amount of sass in my voice.

I walk out and start walking towards the school whilst holding a coat just in case it gets any colder. I start feeling self conscious about everything the second before I arrive at school.
As I walk through the gates I see Justin and he stares at me in amazement.
"Hey baby." I peck his lips in front of all of his friends. All of the girls surrounding him huff and sigh. His friends all look at me with complete attraction in their face.
"Hey babe. You're looking gorgeous, as usual." He winked making me blush slightly. He high fives his friend and we walk off slowly with our hands intertwined.

The bell goes for class to start. Justin leans in for a kiss but I kiss his cheek. He pouts and I giggle.
"Okay." I sigh and kiss his lips.
"No PDA in our school halls!" A teacher walking past yells at us. Justin rolls his eyes and we walk to our separate classes.


"Miss Grande, what is the meaning of life?" The teacher asks because he believes I wasn't listening. I bet he doesn't even know the answer but I answer confidently.
"42." I smile confidently. I wasn't really paying attention until he said my name. I was jus thinking, everyone likes me now that I'm 'socially acceptable'. I'm prettier and stuff. But I don't like myself right now. But if it's what it takes to be with Justin than I'll do it.


At break a group of popular girls skip towards me.
"Wanna join the cheerleading squad?" One squeals. Justin on the weekend told me that he thought that cheerleaders were hot. Well those weren't his exact words but it was basically the same thing.
"Yeah!" I smile at them making them all scream in some sort of idiotic excitement. They pull me over to the gym and start playing some slutty music.
"Dance as sexual and 'Miley Cyrus' as possible." One tells me strictly.
"Why? Isn't cheerleading about pyramids and jumping up and down or having fun?" I ask cluelessly.
"If you wanna get boys, no honey. You have so much to learn." One girl scoffs.i mentally laugh.
"Oh okay." I fake a smile. I get up and they start playing a song called Hands On Me ft. A$AP Ferg.

I start dancing (she dances the actual routine to the song) and finish quickly.
"That was okay. But we should train you some more but you've got some potential. So... you're a new member in our cheerleader squad!" One squeal excitedly. I pretend to be delighted.


I exit the hall as quickly as possible running around the halls like a weirdo looking for Justin. As I walk quickly I hear some work whistles and mumbling until I get to Justin.
"I got in to the cheerleading squad." I fake a smile, but he doesn't notice.
"Well done babe!" He kisses my cheek. The bell goes.
"After school you wanna come over to mine?" I ask.
"Will the others mind?" Justin asks, about the other people in the orphanage.
"Nah. You'll be fine." I chuckle making him smile.
"Okay then! I'll be over straight after school." He winks. I nod and walk to my other class.

- skipping the rest of the school day -

I walk back to the care home and get into my room. I stay in the same clothes and wait in my room. Some one knocks on my bedroom door and I open it. It's bobby.
"Hey Bobby." I sigh.
"Can I come in?" He asks with actual humbleness in his voice. I nod and he enters.
"Can I tell you something that I've never told anyone. You've always looked like a trust worthy person, before this look and now actually," he asks, I nod and he looks at me sadly, "I'm not that big douche everyone thinks I am. I pretend to be that stupid rude idiot douche on purpose, but not because I want to. It's all so confusing. Because if I stop being this douche I'll be bullied and get hurt because anyone that was in their group that left always got hurt and beaten. I'm just afraid Ariana." He says with tears in his eyes. I extend my arms out to him for him to hug me. As soon as he does Justin knocks on the door. I know is Justin because he always knocks with the same type of beat, it's complicated.

everything changes // JarianaWhere stories live. Discover now