crowning you king and queen

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the next morning

"morning babydoll" brick whispered into blossoms ear "your going to be a queen today" he said putting his hand on her cheek

blossom got out of bed "hey you didnt tell me that it was already 10.00 the crowing starts at 12.00 Brick!" blossom said putting on an over sized t-shirt and ran to her closet she bent down to grab a pair of pants when she felt a pair of cold hands on her arched back sliding down to her ass "Brick.." blossom said annoyed "what i cant touch my wife anymore?" he asked blossom didnt respond

she grabbed a pair of nike shorts and put them on realizing she had bent down infront of brick she quickly put them on and turned around "do you have to be standing there?" she asked looking up at him "britney wouldnt mind" he smirked knowing she knew he was joking "well unlike her im not a slut that goes around sleeping with everyone she can get" she said clearly proud brick chuckled and sat down in a chair as his wife was about tk leave the room "oh i frogot to tell you after the seremony i have to go on a important trip" she said glancing back at him "how long is it going to take and can i come?" he asked looking confused "no you cant come and like 3 weeks" she said nervously "THREE WEEKS????" he yelled standing up "i have to go" she said "no im coming with you" he said aggressively she looked shocked at his tone and a little scared "im sorry i didnt mean to be aggressive love" he said walking towards her "its ok brick" she said looking at him "i have to go" she said opening the door and closing it

'damn i mest up' he thought...

2h later at 12.00

blossom walked out the room having her hair in a stylish bun and her makeup done she was wearing a red grand dress and a pair of black formal high heals she looked beautiful

"hello miss, i will be taking you down to the seremony" a man wearing a black suit said he was a bit taller than blossom but a lot shorter than brick he had brown hair and black sunglasses on he had a one piece headphone on

they started walking down the stairs as blossom realized that after today she was going to be the queen of the entire world she felt a shiver go down her spine as they stepped on the floor that had a red carpet she looked around the hall

there were red banners and the table cloths were red the decorations were all red too

she was walking towards the alter (idk what else to call it) as she looked at brick standing there smiling at her brightly she smiled back she felt her heart warm up and small butterflies fill her stomach

she walked up to him and stood beside him
(idk what they say at these thing so ima just come up w something 🤷‍♀️)

"today we are gathered here to crown prince brick anthony jojo king after his father emmet hingston jojo" the priest said

1h later of the priest dumdum blabbeling

"i crown you brick anthony jojo and you blossom marie jojo king and queen of the world" (that sounds like a five year olds fairytale storys end☠️)

he sat the heavy crown on bricks head and a tiara on blossoms head

after the seremony
blossom pov

"do you really have to leave.?" i hear brick say from behind me "yes i have to go you'll be fine" i say not even trusting myself i knew i was going to miss him but maybe 3 weeks go by fast

"bye my love" i say kissing him he hugs me and kisses back


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