Chapter 75 - After the Storm comes the Calm

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The day of farewell had come. Rogue Squadron was about to leave for its new base. From there the offensive to liberate Coruscant should be prepared.

Nomi and Dash had taken the children to the hangar to say goodbye to their former comrades and especially to Nomi's brother, Corran, Tarik and Wedge. The young woman looked longingly at the fighters and their pilots. What would she have given to have been allowed to fly with them? She smiled as she imagined what Luke would say if he knew her thoughts. But after living for so many years fighting the Empire, it was really hard to suddenly stop.
She tenderly rocked her daughter as she walked over to her brother.
Nomi was aware that Gavin and the others might give their lives so that her children could live in peace and freedom.
Tears came against her will and her little brother lovingly wiped them from her face.
"Hey, why are you crying, Nomi?" He asked with a smile. "I'll come back, I promise. Nobody can stop a Darklighter."
Dash approached them and patted his brother-in-law on the shoulder.
"Keep a stiff upper lip, kid," he said with a big grin. "Give the Imps some of their own medicine."
The younger man laughed.
"I will, Dash," he replied before kissing his sister and niece.
Then he climbed into his X-wing. After closing the hatch, he waved goodbye.
The whole family waved back and joined Wedge Antilles, Tarik and Corran Horn.
Dash Jr., Biggs and Corran ran towards Wedge, who had become the triplets' favorite over time. In his free time, he had often played with them and enjoyed playing with them.
Biggs tugged at the Rogue Squadron commander's pant leg and Wedge bent down to him.
"Well, Biggs, what do you want?"
The little one stretched out his arms longingly.
"Want go with you," the boy murmured.
Wedge chuckled and tousled Biggs' curly hair.
"No, little one, you can't come with us. But when you're older, you can fly an X-wing like this."
Tarik flapped his wings and stifled a laugh.
Antilles rose and turned to Nomi and Dash.
"Your sons can't deny that they are your offspring. The blood of the Rendars and the Darklighters has combined in an extraordinary mixture. I'm sure the triplets will definitely make great pilots," Wedge said before checking his chrono. "But now it's time to go. Let's keep it short, I've always loathed long goodbyes."
He hugged Nomi and the triplets and gently stroked Tasherit's head, which showed the first fluffy red hair. Then Dash shook his hand goodbye.
"Don't let the Imps fry you, Wedge. Too bad I can't take care of you. I hope you can get along without me."
Hearing this, Tarik couldn't help but laugh his famous chirping laugh.
"Oh, I sure will," Antilles replied. "I'm not such a bad pilot, Dash."

Nomi turned her attention to Corran Horn, who didn't join the conversation. He stood next to them, lost in thought. Maybe he was thinking about his dead father.
The young man flinched when Nomi spoke to him.
"I wish you the best of luck in the difficult task that lies ahead, Corran," said the former Rogue Squadron member. "The Imps shouldn't be underestimated. Their new leader Ysanne Isard is said to be very power hungry and a master of manipulation. May the Force be with you, my friend."
Something about the young man irritated Nomi, but at the same time she somehow felt connected to him.
There was no time to think about it as Tarik hugged her tightly and whispered something in his own language that made her smile.
"May the Force be with you, Tarik," she said, ruffling his feathers.
The alien pilot let go of Nomi, gave her a wink, and climbed up the ladder to board his X-wing.
Corran and Wedge also climbed into their fighters and minutes later the members of Rogue Squadron were on their way to their destination.

Checking her chrono, Nomi realized it was time for her training session with Luke. Together with her husband and children, she left the hangar and went to her quarters to prepare.
When they arrived, her husband hugged and kissed her.
"Do you really have to go to Luke?"
Nomi pulled away from his embrace, looked up at him and nodded.
"Please stay, Nomi," he said softly, taking his wife's hand.
"I'd love to stay, but you know Luke insists I get to practice on time. You don't want me to get in trouble with him."
Dash shook his head and let go of her hand.
"Of course not, darling."
Nomi went to their bedroom and dressed in the black clothes Luke had given her. As she left the bedroom, she hooked the lightsaber to her belt.
Her husband looked at her with a strange expression.
"What's the matter, Dash?"
Rendar sighed.
"I hope we made the right decision and Luke really is capable of training you to be a Jedi. If you're standing in front of me in those dark clothes with your lightsaber on your belt, you're a stranger to me. I wonder if you're still the Nomi I used to know and love."
Nomi smiled at her husband, reached out and touched his cheek.
"I'm still the same Nomi, Dash. But now I really have to go. Please keep an eye on the triplets and Tasherit. I'll try to be back as soon as possible."
She gave Dash a quick kiss goodbye and went to Luke's quarters.

Nomi's Jedi Master was already waiting for her in front of his quarters.
"Hello, Nomi," he said and sat down on the ground. "We should meditate first."
"Hello, Luke."
Nomi sat down next to him and closed her eyes. It wasn't long before she had a
vision. Again it was the vision with the stranger who killed her husband to steal their children. The young woman cried out and opened her eyes, shaking.
Luke opened his eyes and looked at his friend.
"What's the matter, Nomi? Your whole body is shaking," he said and reached out with his artificial hand to calm her down.
Nomi swallowed hard before answering.
"I – I had this vision again. Please tell me this isn't the future. I don't want to lose Dash and my children, Luke."
The Jedi looked at her sadly.
"I'm sorry, but I can't do that. Nobody can predict exactly what the future will bring. When you've calmed down, let's start training. Use the relaxation techniques I showed you."
He carefully watched the young woman as she did the exercises.
"Yes this is good. You feel deep peace and nothing can disturb it."
Slowly Nomi calmed down and felt the Force that surrounded her.
"Yes, Nomi, that's better. You must learn to control your emotions. Now we can begin."
He pointed to a huge boulder about thirty meters from his quarters.
"Let this rock levitate and place it in front of my quarters."
Nomi looked at him doubtfully.
"I can't do this, Luke. It's impossible."
The young Jedi shook his head and sighed.
"Oh Nomi, everything is always impossible for you. I have the feeling that you don't listen to me when I tell you something."
"So far I've only levitated small rocks and leaves," his friend replied. "That boulder is different, Luke."
"It's no different. You can levitate anything, no matter what size or weight. When you use the Force, all natural laws are overridden. You must forget what you learned before."
Nomi rose and held out her hand.
"All right, I'll try."
"No, don't try, Nomi. Do or do not. There is no try, as Master Yoda once said to me."
Nomi nodded her head, reaching out with the Force and concentrating on lifting the boulder. It slowly began to rise. When it hovered five centimeters off the ground, she slowly and carefully guided it to Luke's quarters. Then she lowered it to the ground next to Luke. Completely exhausted, she let herself fall to the ground, panting. This exercise had cost her a lot of strength.
Luke looked pleased.
"See, you can do it, Nomi."
The young woman managed only a weary nod while Luke jumped up and activated his lightsaber.
"We'll now fight with the lightsabers, Nomi," he said, swinging the elegant weapon left and right.
His friend stared at him and shook her head.
"Damn it, Luke, I can't. Can't you see that I am completely exhausted after this exercise?"
Skywalker looked at her uncomprehendingly.
"No, I can't see that," the Jedi replied. "What's wrong with you, Nomi? You used to have more stamina. You've spent hours wandering the Jundland wastes armed only with a blaster rifle and your vibroknife. You've changed a lot, Nomi."
"You're right, Luke, I've changed," said Nomi with a sigh. "I'm no longer the adventurous and reckless Nomi of our youth. I've been through too many terrible things and I'm tired of fighting all the time. You've no idea how much I long for peace. I want to finally settle down and have a normal life somewhere with my family."
"You will lead a normal life, Nomi, but only if you learn to use the talent given. At the beginning of your training I got the impression that you liked to fight with a lightsaber."
"Yes, I enjoyed that at the time. But I didn't know then that I was Force sensitive and what might depend on my abilities," said the young woman softly. "I'm afraid of failing and being seduced by the dark side of the Force like your father once was. Then there is this vision that haunts my dreams. I'm so scared, Luke."
Luke deactivated his lightsaber and hugged his friend to comfort her.
"You don't need to be afraid, Nomi. Keep training and you'll get stronger. That way nothing can harm you and your family. Trust me."

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