For the Future {Platonic}

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Requested by @UNKNOWNisaARTIST

Clearly I am very creative when it comes to titles but anyways decided to make it platonic so sorry if you were expecting romantic! Not a lot of people request Platonic and you didn't specify what you exactly wanted so I assumed It was up for me to decide. So enjoy!


"Stop right there, beast!"
    You smiled at the sound of The Collector's voice echoing down from behind the explosion of brightly colored magic, trying your best not to wriggle out of the plastic rope that was keeping you tied to the fountain.
     Collector and King appeared from behind the blast of magic, flying down to the ground from a magic star that were supporting them.
     "Fear not, citizens of Bonesborough!—" The Collector announced, hopping off of the blue star, "—I am here to save your highness from this beast mad rampage!"
     King gave Collector a thumbs up, "I believe in you Collector!" The demon said supportively.
     "Thanks best friend!"
    You smiled at the small interaction between the two, it was fun seeing the dynamic between them despite Kings obvious sadness to the situation at hand.
    The Collector pulled out a star, holding it up above his head, "Light Glyph—go!" Bright blue light assaults your vision and you close your eyes to the sudden brightness.
    Once you regained your vision, Terra Snapdragon—no 'Eda' appeared from underneath the costumes fabric, "Oh hooray, I'm back to normal," She said not-so-enthusiastically.
     She gets up, cracking her back in the process, "Oo, is that a pint of Appleblood? Hoot Hoot!"
      You deadpanned at the badly executed impression of Eda, she wasn't even trying!
The Collector seemed to notice it too, stopping the puppets, groaning in frustration, "Agggghh, time out everyone! Time out!" They say as the puppets deactivate.
    "Terra! For the last time Eda doesn't sound like that!" He complains, walking over to the green-haired elder, "She got more of a—Like a—a cool aunt vibe who pretends to be all cold hearted but actually cares a lot!"
    You have to say The Collector really nailed the description of Eda. King told the stories of his adventures with the owl lady really well if The Collector managed to get her whole personality with just that.
     "Ugh, your a real thorn in my side, do you know that? I've had it with you and your stupid little dog!" Terra bickered, her patience already gone with The Collectors nagging.
     Your eyes widened at the insult she said to him and King. Although The Collector seemed more provoked at the insult towards King than to the insult towards himself.
    "Ugh, whatever. All I have to do is to play Eda the Owl Lady, and I don't get turned into one of those things, right? Then, let's just continue." Terra continued like she didn't just insult a very dangerous god child, "Oh, I like musicians!"
     "Your not being very nice right now," The Collector stated, a pissed off expression on his face. You don't see him this angry often. The one time you did experience it was when you stole one of his pizza bagel, it scared you really badly that you hid away from him for the rest of the day.
     Focusing back to reality and off of past memories, you saw Terra transformed into a puppet and The Collector walked away. They snapped their fingers and the rope tied around you exploded into confetti.
     You stretched your arms up to the sky, happy to finally be free. Leaping off of the fountain and landing on the ground, you saw The Collector sulking on the levitating star.
    King noticed his bad mood too and walked over to him, "Collector, Buddy, you gotta stop doing that. Think about what your doing to these people!" The demon reasoned, stopping the star from spinning.
    "You are so BORRRING! I'm just playing pretend. Y/n understands that so why can't you too?"
    "Even playing pretend has consequences. A cranky, old witch taught me that." King reasoned, looking away when he mentioned Eda.
    "You mean Eda, right? That's what we need. The real thing! A cranky, know-it-all mentor figure. No substitutes allowed! Maybe if I ask her realll nice, I won't have to turn her into a puppet!"
     "No! Her curse is still, um, in effect. But I can check if she's feeling better," King added, hoping to please and convince The Collector. You knew about Eda but King doesn't know that. You happened to stumble upon their hiding place when you were searching for water after waking up feeling thirsty. It pained you to keep secrets from The Collector but you knew that King wouldn't want you to tell him and you respect King's wishes.
     "You proooomisse?" The Collector asked, looking hopefully at King.
     "You can trust me, Collector," King vouched and offered his pinkie. The Collector eagerly intertwined their fingers together, sealing the promise.
     You heard a voice that you've never heard before and looked around, confused. Was someone spying on the three of you? You spotted the suspect in question and shocked filled your system. It was Luz with all her friends! And a random lady that looked very similar to Luz. The group noticed that you noticed them and quickly ducked down, trying to get away from your peripheral vision.
     "C'mon Y/n! You silly goose!" The Collector teased, offering his hand out to you, "We have to go back to the Archive House now!"
     You looked away from the group and smiled at him sheepishly, taking his outreached hand, "Sorry, I was just spacing out."
    The Collector helped you up the star, they spoke as you settled down beside them, "You should space out more often, I like seeing your goofy expression when you do," He giggles.
    You gave him a confused, but mortified look, blushing in embarrassment. They didn't speak no more as the star started back up and soon you were flying in the air. You heard a shout and looked down to see Luz reaching her hand up to the three of you. You looked away, not wanting to give her away, you know that if The Collector saw her they would turn her into a puppet.

Tales of a Star Child 💫 {Collector x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now