Collector x Ghost!Reader {Romantic}

704 18 11

Requested by @BlazeFireFox


Okay but seriously, what is the basement of the Emperors Castle? Is it the conformatorium? I just had to take a guess on this one.

Btw I choose GN!reader for this request and the reader is a ghost!


You roamed the eerie dark rooms of the basement in Emperor Belo's castle. The only sounds echoing throughout the dark rooms were the trickling of water and the occasional skitter of a echo mouse.
    You were trapped down there for who-knows-how long. Only you and your thoughts to occupy the silence as years pass.
   Every time you get thoughts of the past makes you fume with anger. You refused to pass on and vouched for revenge on the devil known as 'Emperor Belos'. The one who you met and will unfortunately become your demise.
   No witch comes down here anymore. Rumors circled around that the creepy basements of the castle were haunted. They were right of course, usually most witches come down here because of the result of a dare. You get a kick out of it every time you manage to scare one; the only good thing that has ever happened to you after you died.
Today was turning out to be like every normal day. Starring at the walls, thinking about what your life could've been. Plotting for revenge before getting interrupted by a cute echo-mouse skittering by. Yup. A perfectly. Normal. Day.
That was until you notice that the whole entire ground was shaking and shortly after cracks started forming on the ceiling. What in the hell was going on?
   Suddenly a massive star broke through the ceiling, startling the life out of you. You looked up, light filtering from the hole of the once dark basement.
   Okay why were there suddenly shooting stars attacking the isles. Wasn't that supposed to be the boiling rains job? You floated up to the crack, taking a experimental peak of the inside of the castle. Nobody was around. Huh. Strange.
   Hesitantly, you flew away from the basement, looking around while trying to piece together what was happening. You approached one of the windows of the castle and put your face against it, looking outside. The shooting stars seemed to be falling from the sky, landing everywhere. Oh titan, is this what the day of unity was supposed to be about? Did Belos succeed in it? The mere thought of his name made you scowl.
You phased through the window, floating away from the castle while looking up at the sky, trying to find the source of where the stars were coming from. Suddenly you saw a burst of magic coming towards you and you curled in on yourself as you braced for impact. Wind rushed by you before everything stilled once more.
You opened your eyes, seeing the color of everything had changed to be more bright and vibrant. Belos definitely wasn't the guy who liked those kind of colors. Okay something must've happened there is no way this was Belos doing.
    You explored around more, enjoying the childish nature that the Boiling Isles holds now. It made you appreciate your sad and depressing ghost life. That was until you saw stars with creepy eyes floating around. You followed one of them out of pure curiosity, arriving at a school location. You vaguely remembered the school to be Hexside before returning your attention onto the stars who were attacking some teachers and students.
    You looked on in horror when the stars turned all—if not most of the witches into puppet like figures. Completely lifeless and devoted of emotion. You slowly backed away before quickly floating away. There was no way you were gonna even risk the chance of turning into a puppet despite you being a ghost.
    You accepted this as your daily routine now, observing people, hiding away from the stars, and admiring the atmosphere around you. You took notice of the castle on the titans skull but never had enough courage to go snooping around the place. Whoever was in there was the cause of this and you did not want to risk being turned into a puppet.
     One day you were minding your own business, looking through abandoned stores and seeing what they used to offer. That was until you happened to stumble upon a store that doesn't look so rundown and unusually bright. You saw puppets actually moving and two strange individuals. One was a small dog-like creature and another a little kid around your age—if you were still alive. They looked to be role playing and you entertained the thought that these two were the ones causing this. It was bizarre thought but not enterally impossible.
    You decided to hide behind one of the shelves and listen into their conversation.
    "Hey King, What do mortals eat?" A child-like voice spoke out, which you assumed was the kid.
    "Well, they eat foods like griffin eggs and fairy pie," The Dog-ish creature—King, replied back.
   "What is this then? It doesn't look like any eggs or a pie," The Collector hummed out, swinging his legs back and forth from the stool they were sitting on, leaning closer to observe the food presented on the plate. Soon the conversation turned into mindless chatter and you quickly grew bored of it. You were about to leave when you noticed a puppet had spotted you.
    You smiled nervously, carefully raising your hand to wave at it, hoping it won't rat you out.
    You were wrong. The puppet started screaming while pointing at you and you screamed back, quickly flying away while passing through the puppet. You were about to escape until a magical net surrounded you, making you fall to the ground.
   You pulled and tugged against the ropes, panic overwhelming you. Why couldn't you go through it? What kind of magic was this?!
   "Woah woah Collector, you can't just trap a person like that! They don't mean any harm!" King's voice gradually got louder as him and The Collector walked towards your panicking form.
    "You can never trust a person—no matter how innocent they may seem," Collector argued back, looking down at you.
    You stopped struggling, glaring up at your captures. The Collector noticed something particular about you. You weren't like other itty bitty spiders he has seen, you seemed... translucent.
    "Woah! Are you some kind of ghost or something? " They questioned, gripping your face through the net to bring you closer to him for inspection.
    You squeaked, a blush forming on your cheeks from being so close in proximity with another person.
    King put his paw on The Collectors shoulder, gazing at you with concern, "I think they need some space Collector, you scared them pretty badly with the whole 'capturing them in the net' shenanigan."
    "Oh. Well I guess if you say so," The Collector grumbled, snapping his fingers as the net disappeared and letting go of your face, stepping back.
  You got up, dusting the non-existent dust off of your clothes while looking around your area; searching for a quick get-away. Unfortunately The Collector caught on quick to your meticulous observing.
He crossed his arms over his chest, eyeing you suspiciously, "Don't make me trap you in a net again," They threatened and King gave them a warning glance.
Fear grew quick in your chest and you decided that it was best not to run away.
The Collector's stern expression quickly faded into one of curiosity, though, as he eyed you up and down, "What are you even supposed to be?" He questioned.
"A ghost. I'm technically not supposed to exist, but, here I am now," You gestured down to yourself, emphasizing your point.
The Collector smiled, intrigued by your existence, "Cool! I've seen even weirder creatures before; the names Collector by the way!" They offered you their hand and you took it, giving them a firm handshake.
"And I am King! The King of Demons!" King added, shouting it. You smiled at this weird demon creature; even though he exhibits clear signs of exhaustion the sentence came out with such passion that you knew he was passionate about his title.
"My name is y/n and a totally not weird at all question; are you two the cause of this chaos?"
And from then on a friendship blossomed with an overpowered child and a small demon that claims to be an overlord. You decided to stay with The Collector and King since you've got nothing else to do with your meaningless life.
You were definitely entertained by the antics they would go through and every day sparked a new adventure. It has been months now since you first met and you've grown closer to the two; particularly The Collector. You two seemed to gravitate toward one another having the same interest and affection-deprivation goals as the other.
    You've learned snippets of  The Collectors past and you knew it was a tragic one filled with manipulation and loss. Soon enough you too opened up to him by explaining how you died.  You were an unfortunate soul that happened to appear at the wrong place at the wrong time. Being tragically killed by Belos when he was in his beast form and in a fit of cruel rage, having no chance of surviving the cruel slashing and what occupied afterwards, the deafening sound of blood splatter.
    You were an assistant to Belos, a secret that nobody knew; not even the previous Golden Guard nor The Collector. You foolishly believed his lies and followed in his schemes. A decision that you will forever regret.
     You were in tears when you told him this, your whole entire body visibly shaking at the traumatic memory. The Collector wasn't used to people showing him vulnerability; not even a close companion of his so this was new to him. He tried his best to comfort you, engulfing you in a hug and brushing the side of your arm comfortably; assuring you that wrinkly, stinky old Belos won't be a problem anymore.
     Thankfully, it worked and you let out a broken, tear-stricken laugh at his wording about Belos. You squeezed them tighter and thanked them; The Collector blushing at the feeling of your warmth enveloping around him when you did. A small, shy smile was present when you eventually let go and got a good look at his face.
      Whenever The Collector was alone with King, the conversation will always somehow drift to them praising you highly and talking about you. King knew right away that The Collector had caught feelings for you but they don't realize this. The concept of love hasn't reached his brain and he doesn't comprehend the fact that the giddy feeling in his chest whenever he was around you wasn't a platonic feeling.
     When King finally tells him that the feelings he has for you may be romantic, his mind just goes blank. He finally realizes it and his whole face turns bright red. Then the two brainstorm ideas and scenarios about how The Collector will confess to you and finally, finally, he has his plan.
     You were out observing the sky in front of the Archives before feeling a presence join you. You titled your head to the side to see The Collector nervously looking at you, a small blush adoring their cheeks and their hands tucked behind their back.
    They gulped before looking away shyly, "I-I have something to confess to you, y/n," The Collector admitted, his cheeks burning up in anticipation.
    You smiled at them, turning to fully face them, "What is it, Collie?"
    The Collector shut his eyes and revealed to you what he was hiding. In their hands, tightly gripped between his fingers, was a ring pop. You blinked, confused and before you can speak, The Collector started explaining.
    "I- King told me that a promise ring is something that mortals do to signify a pre-marriage proposal reserved for romantic partners only. I-I liked what King explained to me what marriage was and that when someone is married, they are forever bonded together, and so, I-I just thought to give this to you now," The Collector announced, his arms shaking as silence filled the air as they waited on pins and needles for your response.
    Meanwhile your mind was going haywire. You did have romantic interests for The Collector but never acted on it in fear he wouldn't like you. But now you know that he does. Oh god what should you do; he is waiting for you to respond. Just respond damn it!
    You reached forward to take the ring pop from his hand, carefully placing it on your finger with shaky hands. You looked down at it for a few moments before looking up at The Collector who looks like he is about to tackle you into a hug; which he does.
    He tackles you, arms wrapping around your torso and his head rests on your shoulder. Happy tears streamed down his face but he doesn't take notice; too overwhelmed with emotions. You hug them back just as tightly.
   However long it takes, The Collector will find a way to turn you back into your physical form; even if it meant bending reality to his whim.


My writing any other time <<< my writing while writing this fanfic

Don't you love it when you get random bursts of motivation in the dead of night 😍😍
I had half of this finished before going into a writers block— sorry this took so damn long but I managed to finish it! Now I can finally continue writing since the writers block is gone!!
Also... OVER 2K READS ALL OF YOU ARE INSANE. This is gonna exceed my top most viewed fanfic which sits at 2.4k 😭😭

Word Count: 2313

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