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When Minato opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was a black curling haired haired woman with red eyes looking strangely at him.

When Minato opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was a black curling haired haired woman with red eyes looking strangely at him

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While he checked around to see where he was and what happened to him, he realized his arms were that of a newborn. Which means he was reborn and is likely to go through puberty, again.

"Looks like we got a curious one dear." He turned his head to the source of the voice and saw a middle aged man with blond hair and purple eyes smiling at him

" He turned his head to the source of the voice and saw a middle aged man with blond hair and purple eyes smiling at him

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"Hello there and wellcome to Patch. The humble and peaceful island in the magical world of Remant. I'm your father Taiyang, and this is your mother Raven." The man, now known as Taiyang, introduced. Minato looked at Taiyang, who claimed to be his new father, and saw that he was extremely friendly. However, when he looked at his new mother Raven, he saw that she was giving him a killer glare, which made him uneasy to the extent that he started crying.

Taiyang just shook his head in disappointment when he heard the baby crying. "I told you to stop looking at the kids like that dear. You'll only frighten them." He told her as he took the baby. "I wasn't frightening him! He was just being weird!" Raven stubbornly insisted with a pout.

"Can we come in?" a voice outside asked. "Sure." Taiyang answered and two people came in. "Did Rae frightened the kid?" The baby heard one of them asked in which Taiyang answered with a nod. Taiyang then made the baby face one of them. He looked like Raven with the only difference being his low cut hair.

 He looked like Raven with the only difference being his low cut hair

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"That's your uncle Qrow. Just stay away from him and you'll be safe from his bad luck." Taiyang introduced him to the baby. "Seriously Tai? Do you have to tell him that?" Qrow asked annoyed. Before any of them could answer, a short, raven haired woman suddenly appeared right in front of the baby, frightening everyone.

 Before any of them could answer, a short, raven haired woman suddenly appeared right in front of the baby, frightening everyone

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"OhmyoumlookathowcuteheisilovehimalreadyhellohowareyoudoyouwanttobemyfriendpleasesayyesI'msurewegonnabegreatfriends..." luckily, Qrow managed to get the woman off the baby before she could further fry up anyone's (even the baby's) brain's with her rambling. (An: Thanks goodness! Even I doubt my brain could survive if she keeps on!).

After she calmed down, Taiyang introduced her to the baby "And the little lady who just popped up on your face is your aunt Summer. Sorry for her rambling, she's like that when she meets cute things." "Hey! How could you describe me like that to the baby? That's just rude!" She protested before she pouted, mumbling "Beside, I'm not little. I drink a lot of milk after all." "Really Sum?" Qrow deadpanned when he heard the mumbling.

"WILL YOU ALL JUST SHUT UP? I'M TRYING TO GET SOME SHUT-EYE HERE!" Raven screamed, while showing an angry face that could frighten even the bravest warriors and not a minute later, everyone left the room. As soon as she realized she was the only one, Raven gave a sigh of satisfaction "At last, peace and quiet.".

While the the trio were heading to another room, Summer decided to ask an important question "So Taiyang, what are you going to name him?". The man in question started thinking while looking at his son before he smiled. "Shandian." He answered. "Sounds like a unique name. What does it mean?" She asked. "It means Lightning bolt. And the fact that I believe he's gonna give us some shocking surprises. Eh?" He joked but only got groans in response from the other two and, surprisingly, a giggle from the baby. "See? Even the baby likes it." Taiyang pointed out. "Pretty sure it was the name you gave him." Qrow countered. "Please, you don't know what you are talking about. He prefers the joke better Dian everything else." Taiyang joked again and the baby started laughing. "How could I forget he's your son?" Summer asked mostly herself. "Well what do you expect? He's a Xiao Long after all." Taiyang reminded them of the baby's identity.

They soon arrived at another room and as soon as Taiyang entered with the baby, they were greeted by a one year old girl. She has blonde hair which were curly like Raven and purple eyes and she was jumping and screaming like a kid who was about to get her birthday present "Babi! Babi! Babi!" Taiyang just chuckled at her attitude. "Yes Yang, it's a baby and it's a boy. And he's your little brother." He answered, in which the girl known as Yang started running around while screaming "Wheee!". Probably happy with the idea of being a big sister.

After she was done, Taiyang introduced them to each other "That's your sister Yang. Yang, meet Shandian.". "Hi." She waved at him. And after sensing some warm aura coming from her, the baby smiled.

"Well, I can see you two want to have fun, but I'm afraid not right now. Like mommy, the baby needs to rest." Taiyang said as he put the baby in a crib. "So why don't we play with uncle Qrow and aunt Summer for now? You can play with your brother when he's old enough, okay?" He asked Yang who responded with an ok. She looked at her brother one more time with a smile on her face before leaving. Taiyang also left. But not before wishing "Sweet dreams, my little thunder dragon."

Throughout the time he's been on his new father's arm, Minato felt odd. He now has a new life, identity and family. Which is a problem for him as he has to replace his old one. Something he's afraid of as he doesn't want to forget his wife Kushina, his son Naruto, and many of his friends. But he suddenly remembered Naruto and how he survived on his own. And Despite having a new family, he never forgot his blood. So if the blond Uzumaki was able to do it, why can't he? He looked at the door where his new father and sister just left and smiled. 'At least, I have a loving family.' he thought to himself. With that decided, Minato Namikaze, now known as Shandian Xiao Long, closed his eyes and slept. Concluding his first day in the magical world of Remant.

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