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'BOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMM?' Amber could only watch in horror as a giant explosion five times the human size erupted at where Qrow last stood.

"One less hunstman to care of." The assassin said before turning to Amber "and now it's your turn." She materialized a bow and arrow out of naked flames and aimed at the downed maiden. "Any last word?".

Amber wanted to get back up and keep on fighting but she couldn't. Whatever that substance was, it was killing her slowly but surely. With one last strength, she looked at her soon to be killer and said her last words with as much venom as she can muster "Go. To. Hell." Unaffected, the assassin gave her opponent a farewell "Goodbye." Before releasing the arrow.

Like Qrow, Amber closed her eyes while accepting her fate. 'Mum, Dad, professor, guys, I'm sorry. Goodbye.' she made her farewell while waiting for the arrow......... which never came.

Confused, Amber opened her eyes and saw an arrow heading her way......... only to suddenly disappear. The assassin was also suprised, as she kept on releasing arrows upon arrows which all disappeared before making contact.

"DAMNIT!" The assassin shouted in rage as she hurled a giant fireball at Amber, which englufed the whole area. After a long while, the smoke cleared, revealing no one at the targeted area.

"Finally! It's finished." She said while closing her eyes and taking a deep breath. She suddenly opened her eyes and stared at her substance based finger which was still glowing. "It can't be. She's still alive? How?" She asked in disbelief.

As she kept on looking around, her shock slowly turned to confusion before fear, then finally pure anger. It wasn't long before she finally lost it and stared violently launching flames attacks all around her surroundings. "WHERE ARE YOU YOU COWARD? COME AND FACE ME OR I SWEAR TO OUM, I'LL BURN DOWN THE ENTIRE FOREST WITH YOU ALL IN IT!" She threaten at the top of her voice.

Somewhere at the edge of a Forrest, Qrow was sitting beside a tree while having a suprised expression. Why shouldn't he? One second, the flames where inches away from his face, then, as soon as he blinked, he found himself at the edge of a Forrest. He tried to get up and look around but found out he was too weak to do anything.

He was still trying to understand his situation when an unknown hooded figure landed right in front of him while carrying Amber. He had a sword strapped on his back and a kunai holder on his legs.

"Can you walk?" The hooded person asked. Qrow was still suspicious of the stranger, but there was nothing he could do against the guy due to his condition. So he answered "Unfortunately no. Still pretty banged up from that firefight."

The stranger gave a nod of understanding. "I'll keep the woman busy. As soon as you can walk, take the girl to the nearest medical center. Whatever she did, it's killing her slowly." They said while handling Amber over to the older hunstman.

"Who are you?" Qrow asked. The stranger stared back like he was staring at his questioner's soul before answering "Someone who defend the light from the shadows.". "A shadow guardian?" Qrow asked, in which the guardian confirmed by nodding.

Qrow have heard rumors of those mystery vigilantes. No one has ever set eyes on them, as they were too fast that they ended up being a blur to even experienced hunstmen. And the only reason why they'll let you see them is if they wanted you dead. Though there are some exeptions, it's truly rare.

"Wait!" Amber call caught the shadow attention, as he got closer to her and asked her "What is it?"

"There is something in me. It's draining my aura and powers and transferring them to her. There's a substance on one of her finger. That's the source. That's all I know."

The figure gave a nod of understanding before leaping off from tree branch to tree branch, heading to his target.

Back to the clearing, the assassin was still burning things up while looking around in a furious expression. Granted she'll by all means have the full maiden power but the time to wait isn't the problem.

This job was supposed to be discreet. No one was to know what happened. Especially when there were mysterious vigilantes who always spoiled hers and her Ally's plans.

"Looks like today ain't your lucky day." The assassin heard a calmed voice behind her and turned around to see the hooded figure staring at her through his mask.

She launched a fireball at him, but he just leaned at his side to effortlessly dodge the hit. "Where you even aiming?" He asked her in a taunting manner.

She got angry and launched several more fireballs at him, but he kept dodging with little to no effort.

"I thought you wanted me dead? Are you even trying?" He asked in a bored tone, which seems to irritate her as she sent a giant wave of fire towards him. A wave so wide and large, she was sure he could never escape.

After the flames died down and there was no one around, she released her breath she didn't know she was holding. The stranger may be dangerous, but there was no way he could survive that attack. She is sure of it because she made the attack beyond its maximum scale. It costed her a lot, but it was worth it.

She was about to go look for the downed maiden when ......... " Is that supposed to be your most powerful attack?" She froze when she heard his voice behind her. She quickly summoned a bow and arrow and quickly fired at her back. But it didn't matter as he caught it inches away from his face. "Pathetic." He said as he snapped the arrow.

"Who are you?" She asked, summoning two matchets and getting in a fighting stance. The hooded person just gave an evil smile that gave chill to the assassin when she saw it.

The next two words were more than enough to completely possess her with nothing but fear: "Shadow

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The next two words were more than enough to completely possess her with nothing but fear: "Shadow. Guardian.".

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2023 ⏰

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