Winter and Aladrius

377 5 20

Little Sister: Hey guys

 Illusionist: Hey Luz

Dadrius: Why r you always the first on this chat?

'Snowy comes online'

Snowy: Because I put her in charge of this chat when I'm not around

Snowy: byyyyyyeeee

'Snowy has gone off line'

'Mittens changes Little Sister to Luzzy'


Little Prince: DON'T YOU DARE!

Flower: Nothing happened

Dadrius: Now this I got hear

Owl Lady: This should good

Luzzy: Okay Amity and I were heading to the grom tree and we found...

'Little Prince kicks Luzzy and Mittens out of the group chat'

'Alador adds Luzzy and Mittens'

Alador: Continue

Mittens: We heard music and then we saw that Hunter and Willow were on a date. The best part was that were dancing.

Dadrius: Please tell me you got pictures

Luzzy sent 1 picture

Luzzy sent 1 picture

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LuLu: Oh. My. Titan.

Songbird: Cute

Dadrius: Adorable

Eber: hjjujhj dhcau skja kkoll (pup is happy with wild flower?)

Little Prince: 1. Eber when did you get here 2. SHUT UP!!!!

Songbird: I added him

Eber: lksddksjddkpsacicopossdksdnjwhfdi (pup likes wild flower)

Mittens: is he talking about Willow?

Dadrius: Yeah 

Little Prince: SHUT UP!!!

Illusionist: y wild flower.

Flower: That's what he calls me when he doesn't call me captain

All the girls: Aaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwww

'Little Prince has gone offline'

Dadrius: hehehe the little prince is redder then his palismen 

'Little Prince back online'

Little Prince: Oh I found sound something that I think everyone but Aladrius would love to see

Alador: . . .

Dadrius: . . .

Alador: He wouldn't dare

Luzzy: It's hunter

Little Prince sent 1 picture

Mittens: So the confident head of the Abomination coven turned himself it an abomination and melted away because he was scared of getting KISS!

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Mittens: So the confident head of the Abomination coven turned himself it an abomination and melted away because he was scared of getting KISS!

Owl Lady: It was hilarious 

Dadrius: Well I'm glad you guys find it funny but I don't want anything to do with that hack ever again!

Dadrius went offline

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