Scarlet Beast 2

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Collector: EVERYONE

Luz: What's wrong?!

Amity: It better be important

Raine: it's midnight 

Collector: Hunter is gone!

Darius: Aster where are you right now?

Alador: He followed Hunter

Lilith: another night walk?

Alador: Yeah Hunter is at Conformatorium again

Eda: why does he keep going there?

~~~~~~~~END OF CHAT~~~~~~~~

The group got to the Conformatorium and saw Hunter's beast form sniffing around as if it was looking for something. "What could he possibly be looking for?" Eda whispered. It seems that he found something by the way his head shot up letting out a low growl. "He is definitely looking for something but what?" Raine asks as they follow him but keeping a distance.

They went all the to a cell made of stone with bars  on the door and was guarded by C.A.T.Ts. Gus saw something on the stone and he looked nervous. "Guys look claw marks!" Gus quietly exclaimed. the ex coven heads paled when they saw the cell. Aster clung on to Darius side nervously.

"I think I know why he is keeps coming here." Lilith mutters, "That's Belos' cell." The guards left after checking on the prisoner after they left the scarlet beast came into view and started to try get in. The beast seemed wild and angry just by being near the cell.

Eber gets in front of the beastly grimwalker  growling as Flapjack chirping as if talking to him. The beast made different sound ranging from growling to whimpering before following the the two back to the group. Everyone went home with the mystery of why Hunter was trying attack Belos.

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