Chapter One: Heirs of the Dragon

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It was the Ninth Year of King Viserys I Targaryen's Reign.

The wind blew wildly and we flew high above the clouds that blanketed the Red Keep. This was the only true freedom there was; everything else claiming to be so was simply an illusion.

I lost myself in the adrenaline and rush that came with being on dragon back. Letting go of the saddle and holding my arms out enjoying the feeling of free falling as my heart dropped into my stomach.

Another Dragon called nearby and I opened my eyes to see my cousin quickly gaining on us as she rode her golden mount. She laughed freely as we flew side by side. She gestured below us and both of our dragons let out a roar before diving below the clouds.

The city came into view as we circled the palace and raced through the bell towers and spires that rose in the sky, before long we arrived at the Dragon pit where the Dragon Tamers waited.

Rhaenyra and I both dismounted at the same time, boots hitting the gravel below. I laughed as Urrax snapped at the poor inexperienced handler that got too close for his liking.

"Dohaeras, Urrax," I commanded.

He swung his great head around mischief sparkling in his amethyst eyes. He purred as I patted his black scales, marveling at the way they reflected the same deep purple as his eyes once struck by light.

"Cousin, are you coming?," Rhaenyra questioned.

I bid goodbye to my dragon and looped my arm through hers as we made our way to the waiting carriage.

Ser Harrold Westerling, regarded us both, "Welcome back, Princesses. I trust your ride was pleasant."

Rhaeynra was smug as she answered, "Try not to look too relieved, Ser." We laughed at each other as if sharing an inside joke only we were privy to.

"I am relieved. Every time that golden beast brings you back unspoiled, it saves my head from a spike," He said dryly.

At the sound of our arrival Alicent Hightower stepped out of the carriage to greet us. I never much cared for the girl but she was my younger cousin's closest friend aside from myself. She was a little too plain for my tastes.

"Syrax is growing quickly. She'll soon be as large as Caraxes and Urrax," Alicent observed.

We all turned to watch as the handlers ushered the golden dragon into the cave. "That's almost large enough to saddle two. You really must join us," Rhaenyra suggested.

Alicent grew pale at the prospect, "I believe I'm quite content as a spectator, thank you."

As we arrived at the palace the three of us walked arm in arm through the bustling halls and courtyards. The social season was in full swing and the entire kingdom was on edge awaiting the arrival of Rhaenyra's younger sibling.

I quickly parted from them remembering I had agreed to meet with my older brother for a sparring match. In only a few days time my uncle the King would host a grand tourney to celebrate the arrival of his supposed son. I intended to enter under the guise of my middle brother, win the tourney, and secure my place as a true Dragon Knight.

I discreetly exited out towards the gardens ensuring I wasn't followed. As the palace faded out of sight I turned behind a hedge and was taken off guard when a strong hand pulled my arm back.

Thinking quickly I grabbed the dagger that had been hidden in my belt holding it to my assailant's throat as he smirked.

"Kepus," I regarded him coolly. The word for uncle in high Valyrian rolling off my tongue easily.

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