Chapter Thirteen: A Dragon Lost

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We watched even as the giant beast came to land in the courtyard along the sea wall, knocking over braziers and sending their smoldering embers scattering across the stone.

The darkness still concealed the identity of her new rider and with great effort she took flight once again.

"Who could it be?" Rhaenys wondered.

"Everyone present who would be capable already has a dragon. Torrhen and Medrick tried to claim one as boys but they have no taste for it now," I shook my head.


"Is a brilliant girl and would make a fine rider for Vhagar. If she did venture out and attempt to claim her it appears she did so successfully," I comforted my lover as her eyes filled with worry.

I turned to face the Princess and reached up to caress her cheek. She leaned into the touch making my pulse quicken.

Rhaenys had claimed Meleys when she was only ten and three years of age. She snuck into the Dragon Pit in the cover of night and the Red Queen bent her neck before the sun rose. It would only make sense for her granddaughter to possess the same tenacity and bravery.

"Where have your thoughts gone, beloved?" She murmured.

"Mm. Just thinking about what a reckless force of nature you were as a girl," I admitted.

"I just so happen to know someone else like that," She hummed.

"There would've been no limit to the amount of trouble we would've found ourselves in had we known each other then," I laughed.

"Let us consider ourselves lucky that we did not grow up together or Jahaerys would've disinherited us both," She smiled softly.

My hands drifted to her waist pulling her closer.

"Would it have been so bad to run away with me on Dragonback?" I murmured looking up at her.

Her eyes softened and her head dipped lower so her lips brushed mine.

"I dream of it every night, ñuha jorrāeliarzy," She whispered, kissing me achingly softly.

A sharp knocking on the door interrupted us. Signaling for Rhaenys to stay put, I cautiously moved to open it.

"Dress yourself first!" She scolded.

Shooting the Princess a look over my shoulder I cracked open the door to see a panicked Arra.

"Forgive the intrusion at this late hour, Princess but I think you and Princess Rhaenys should get to The Hall of Nine straight away," She rushed.

Before I could ask any further question Arra pushed folded bed clothes into my arms and pushed past me.

"Begging your pardon, Princess Rhaenys, but I stopped by your chambers to get them. It's your grandchildren you see, they seem to have had an incident with young Prince Aemond," She fretted, averting her eyes from the Princess who still remained wrapped in only a sheet.

I handed over the night dress and the robe Arra had brought to Rhaenys who began to dress hastily.

"What type of 'incident'?" Rhaenys questioned.

"No one knows. The King and Queen are questioning them now," Arra informed us.

I quickly found a pair of black leather riding pants and pulled them on. As we went to leave I paused, catching my lover's attention. We didn't know what type of conflict we were walking into and my hand felt empty. Turning back I grabbed my sword which had been propped up against the bedpost.

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