Chapter Seven: The Queen Who Never Was

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"You've been gone far too long, Princess," The High Valyrian rolled off her tongue in a way that made heat pool in my abdomen.

I was still acutely aware of her hands still holding me. A fire spread under her touch even through my tunic.

"You know why I left," I replied, my words still failing me.

After all those years dreaming of that moment I was finally there and was left speechless. I had thoroughly convinced myself Rhaenys hadn't spared even a moment thinking of me.

I found myself wondering how much she remembered that night and if she thought of the memory of the feeling of my lips on hers as I did. My eyes betrayed me as they drifted to her lips of their own accord.

One of her hands came up to twirl one of the long braids that fell over my shoulder.

"I did consider going after you. Whisking you away and keeping you under lock and key," She smirked playfully, honey dripping off her words.

My throat went dry and I swallowed thickly.

What a mess I must've looked. I had faced death more times than I could count and yet for the first time in my life I found myself afraid. Not afraid of the woman before me but afraid this was yet another dream and I would wake to find myself back in some foreign land far away with the same empty feeling in my chest.

Then a gentle yet firm hand rested under my chin urging my violet eyes to look up into those hazel pools that always seemed to dance with flame.

"I would not have been opposed. How different life would've been," I smirked, finally finding my voice.

This seemed to amuse her greatly. "My, my. I see you have not lost your boldness. I was beginning to worry your years abroad had changed my headstrong impetuous little Princess," She mused, slipping back into the common tongue.

"Little Princess? I am a woman grown. As I was when I left," I let out a small huff.

Her calculating eyes took their time assessing me from head to toe before meeting my eyes once again reflecting dare I say desire.

"Perhaps. But your time away has changed you," She murmured.

I was becoming more aware of how close we were in our small alcove hidden from any servants who might approach. And gods she was wearing her gold spun riding outfit with her boots and silver tresses hanging past her waist. I swayed slightly as our bodies brushed against one another and had it not been for the Princess still holding me in place I may have swooned.

"Rhaenys.." I whispered hoarsely.

Her resolve seemed to break as those flames danced behind her eyes. She surged forward capturing my lips with her own and by the Gods of old Valyria did they fit perfectly together.

Her hand on my waist slipped to my lower back as the other dropped my braid to move to the back of my neck where her nails scraped gently as she deepened the kiss.

I let my eyes slip closed as I found myself lost in the deep smell of lavender and the sweet taste of her lips.

When we parted I refused to open my eyes, fearful of her no longer being there. That it was indeed a dream and I'd wake up to some stranger or worse an empty bed with nothing but my own woes to keep me company.

"Are you going to open your eyes, Viserra?" She whispered into my ear.

Slowly I let them open, relieved that she was still there. That it in fact was not some wine fueled fantasy.

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