Chapter 7: Prestige is what matters, Denise...

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"Denise! What are you...doing here?" Her mom had reluctantly shown up to pick her up, expecting the boy she hung out with, JianHao had shown her up or something.
"Where's that boy you were with? The one you hang out every day?"
Denise said. "Mom, I've decided he is a distraction from my studying and the school itself."
"And the fact that, when I got a 99.5, Vincent just laughed at me, and as well as the others in my class, they just use me and envy my smartness, just because they're so dumb they can't figure it out themselves." She continued berating her classmates, but her headache started to throb.

Her mom looked surprised, because she normally hung about with him and his group. But her face changed and she smiled.
"Well- I, I'm pleased, that you have seen sense, and not hang out with him. You focus on your studying, alright? And that class of yours... I'm glad sense has finally prevailed."
"I also have a busy day tomorrow, as I have to be in school. Training and all that," Denise said.
Her mom couldn't be any happier than she was now. Her daughter was finally focused on her studies and not on boys or anything else.

A day Later
"Hao, you are going to have to forget about her, you know?" Nicole was trying to get him up.
He was feeling sad, after the events of yesterday in school. His friends tried reaching out to him, but failed to.
"Hao, maybe it was for the best. I mean, she is a sweet girl and all, but she maybe has a strict family and all. And they require her to not be distracted and all?"
Nicole was just saying to JianHao all this so he would stop crying.
"But... Why! Why would she say it in a mean way? She would be nicer about it..."
"Come on. We got to eat." Nicole dragged her brother to the dining table, where Sylvia and Zhi Kai, their younger brother were already.

It was a Saturday morning. 7:30, and Denise was at the school, all prim and perfect.
Despite there not being school on weekends, Denise had to go. Mrs Regna had asked her to attend to "train" her so when the school inspector came around, Titan Academy would gain profits, though most of it went to the organization.
Both Mrs Regna and Mr Alan were talking about their plan.
"See? I told you it works. If JianHao loses all hope of Denise, he too will fall in the trap, giving us the chance to brainwash his unkempt soul," he laughed evilly.
"Sir," Mrs Regna intervened. "I'm not saying this is a bad idea, but can't we do something else instead? Like... The students can't learn or thrive if they are brainwashed like this-"
Slamming his hand on the desk, Mr Alan angrily replied, "This is best for them, Regna. The students here are just rejects and pawns in our hands. Doing this to them is our only chance. Do you want to lose everything? Even... Your job?"
Taken aback, Mrs Regna replied, looking down. "No, sir. You are right."
"Shush. Denise is coming in," Mr Alan said as Denise entered the office.
"Ahh, our perfect model student is here! Take a seat", Mr Alan showed Denise where to sit.
Grabbing a handful of papers, Mr Alan stated speaking. "Now, Denise, you will be our model student and our alumni. As a top scoring student in this school, you can transfer to a different class, or move to your own independent study room, to focus on your own. Instead of being stuck in that... Class of underachievers." Mr Alan's expression went sour after that. "What do you say?"
Denise, feeling a headache after their words, said, "I don't know... What happens to them if I?"
"Can't decide?" Mrs Regna smirked at the naive student. "Then maybe this will help you decide." She turned the TV on, showing the footage of JianHao and a few students from T1T5 and N4T1 breaking in the school and changing the papers.
Denise's headache was throbbing even more, then it stopped. "Yes. I decided that I'll move to my own study room. Those...lowlife students don't deserve a perfect and prim student like me."
Both Mr Alan and Mrs Regna looked at each other in agreement of happiness. She was on board with the plan.
"Good." They both smirked with evil grin in their eyes.

"We're going to have to do something about this... This look." Mrs Regna was eyeing Denise up and down, her hair tied in a basic downwards pony. "Hand me a hairbrush, would you sir?"

Grabbing the hairbrush, she fixed Denise's look. I don't get why their doing my hair, it looks ok. But Denise thought, it's for the best. They are after all, going to help me forget about JianHao.

Denise's hair, now it was straight and neat. Just the way they liked it. And it was time to get to work with her...

Meanwhile in the Tan House...
Monday morning came. The Tan family were each getting ready. Jianhao, still broken from Denise's breakup, decided that, if she would still ignore him, then he would just ignore her.
They made their way to school, Walater waving goodbye to them. Nicole had to quickly meet up with Julynn and Debbie, so that left Jianhao alone.
"Hi, Jianhao." It was Maddy, her eyes tired and a blanket over her uniform. "I have a question, do you know the answer?"
"Not if it's about algebra." He said jokingly. Yet it gave a pang of Denise.
"You won't want to answer this... but I need to know it. Do you know why Vincent is... More nicer to Denise?"
At the mention of Denise, Jianhao tried not to think of the events. He said, "He likes Denise for her smartness." Though, I don't know if he will now, he thought because Maddy didn't know.
"...Oh, right ok." He was lying then! Vincent! She hurried to class, and Jianhao thought to do the same.

Murmurs of rumors had spread in the T1T5 classroom. Where is Denise? What is Denise even doing? Was she hypnotized or something?
Oh, great. Just when Jianhao thought he could make things right with her, she transfers to, I don't know, a different class or something?

The tannoy went off:
Attention, students of Titan Academy, a new student model is in place. Denise Taylor, as you may know, is the new student body and school's pride of the reputation. Meaning that, if you disrespect her in any way, by not listening or breaking rules, she will have authority to take you to the office and risk you getting expelled, or suspended depending on your actions.
Thank you, and have a good day.

Oh great.

"Wow, Denise is our student model now?" Ashley exclaimed.
"I don't know," Julynn said with uncertainty. "Why did she have to? She was perfect here..."
"Maybe it was because of our classmates," Debbie looked at the popular kids, Trev, Abbey, Juhi and her first love, Ben.
"Yeah! They did take advantage of her knowledge, you know," Cheryl said in agreement.
"What about you, Nicole? What do you think?" But Nicole had just heard a rumor of the school, the reason she was like this...

1 hour ago...
Nicole needed the toilet really bad, so she made her way down the narrow halls of the school.
Just as she was, she over heard a very interesting conversation...
She hid in a corner, and peeked to see who it was. And she recognized them. It was sunny and Chloe, Jianhao's friends, and they were saying:
"Wait! You actually think it's true?"
"It is! I really did see Denise getting hypnotized by the organization. It was Mrs Regna who did it. She had a hypnotizing thingy. It made her have some side effects, it was to make her and other students be models of perfect students! It also destroys relations with the students, which is what happened with Hao. I haven't told him," Chloe said.
"So? Our school is being mind controlled by them? Another round?" Sunny asked.
"Yes!" Chloe exclaimed in despair.
Nicole gasped. Surely this wasn't true, right? But it did sound true. Denise wouldn't break up with Jianhao, because she truly loved him. I saw all of it (I'm a third wheel, unlike Vincent.)

Present Rn
"Are you even listening? Nicole? NICOLE!"
"OW! What was that for?" Julynn shouted.
"Well, you slapped me! Ya think? And also I just remembered something, about the organization!"
"WHAT?" they all asked in unison.

In First Pov
I told them the story. Of how The organization had made a device that hypnotized the star students by showing them bad things of my brother, Jianhao, and bad memories of their friends that made them forget about them and think of studies instead. But I whispered it.

"Oh. My. GOSH!" Julynn exclaimed in horror as she heard the story. "They've been doing this the whole time?"
"I saw them talking about making a device," Cheryl said. "That must be it!"
"Should we tell the class? There's no teacher after all," Debbie said.
I had an idea. It wouldn't be risky. I just had to convince Hao first.

After my convincing of the idea, Hao agreed in reluctance.

JianHao stood up to make an announcement.

"Attention everyone!"

They all looked up from their conversations.

"I'm going to be hosting a homework club at my house." JianHao said. Knowing here, the organization could have cameras that overheard our conversation, which would be dangerous.

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