Chapter 13: She was too innocent to be taken...

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Vicky's lifeless like body was surrounded by a bloody knife.
At least that's what witnesses said.
On sight, even Juhi was shocked by the sight of it.

She had only entered the bathroom and went to the nearest cubicle not thinking anything of it.
And there she saw Vicky.


Assembly was dark and dreary, everyone thought.
Especially when it's first period, your meant to be in DT but your in assembly over the loss of a student.
Not that it wasn't tragic. It was bad. Especially for our group.
Except it didn't add up. None of it did. Why would they say she died when really, she could have been in a coma?
Some people say they saw her breathe. At this point I didn't know what to believe.
"Alright, students." Ms Siti looked more solemn than usual. She wore a black blazer and was looking down.
"As you all know, a fellow student in Class T1t5 named Vicky Low, daughter of the teacher Madam Soot Beng has had an unfortunate... accident. The causes of her loss are unknown, but it is believed to be a..." The words trailed off.
At this point, Mrs Regna stood up and swiftly took the mic off Siti.
"Thank you, miss Siti for that... Dreary introduction." Mrs Regna's eyes were like a bulls, brazen and firey. Her eyes cast nervous stares on those who dared look upon her.
"As you know, your exams are coming up. Especially for you, class T1T5, you are going to be taking those exams. Your academic behavior is still poor, and so we will have to implement more changes.
"For the exam, you will do Math, English, Science and your subject choices you have taken. Please do revise over the upcoming weeks... Or you will risk being blacklisted."
Kevin looked at Jianhao. "Ugh, they say this like every time."
Chatter grew amongst the students until Mr Alan halted it. "Stop."
"This is your future we are talking about not ours. After all... If you do not care to uphold our reputation and bring awards to our school, you may as well get expelled."
The assembly like that, was finished.

Madam Soot Beng was in the staff room, and she was not a person who cried normally.
Yet today, she felt like she would. Really.
She let out silent cries and broke down, over the loss of Vicky.
Yes, her daughter was stubborn and was mostly quiet. But that didn't matter.
She was all she had. And now she has nothing.
Miss Sherly and the other teachers, Mr Mabuhay, Mrs Nancy, Mr Dan, Mr Salim Ms Sofia, Ms Hannah Alyssa and Mr Muthu raja all came in.
"Hey Soot Beng. Just wanted to let you know we're all here if you need us." Miss Sherly said.
"Yeah, we're really sorry about what happened." Mr Dan said.
"We'll leave you in peace." Mrs Nancy said in a sympathetic tone and they all left the room.
Just then, Mr James came in.
Obviously they hadnt talked in like, years or even much despite the fact they worked together. Ever since the divorce she has always told Vicky to avoid a bad man.
Why was she crying every time she thought of Vicky???
She was angry, but stopped to listen.
"I know the loss of our child, Vicky is giving you trouble at this time. If your still mad at me, I get it."
"Well, im a bit mad at you, but-"
"Soot Beng?" Mrs regna had made herself present in the room.
"I'm gonna need you to work more hours. I also need you to host the Open Evening this week."
"B-but I can't. I just can't. I'm grieving the loss of Vicky-"
"Well... With all due respect, im very soofy for Vicky. But work is still work so you have to host it." Mrs regna's cold words threw her off.
"Can't you just get another teacher to do it?" Soot Beng was pleading at this stage.
"Well, they don't call you the best teacher in the academy for no reason do they?" Mrs regna gave her a defiant stare.
"Regna." James gave the defiant stare back. Despite the fact he could never live up to soot Beng, he would stand up for her.
"I think you should let her have a bereavement leave. It's only fair. I get it if you don't want me to. But do it for her, she's got a lot to deal with."
Soot Beng in that moment looked up at the man she had always called "mean" and "a bad influence". Yet here he was defending her.
Was it for publicity? Or was it that he cared for her?
"Very well then. I'll let her have the week off. But you are to return next Monday you understand?"
Soot Beng nodded in agreement.
And regna walked off.
"That was...You didn't... Thanks for that James. You saved me there."
"It's ok. You don't owe me anything by the way. I know you well".
As he left the room, thoughts began to swirl in soot bengs mind.
Do I love him again? No, that's silly. He cheated on me years ago. But here he is right now defending me. That's a problem for another time I guess.

In what was meant to be soot bengs class, miss Sherly showed up instead.
"Miss Sherly? Where's soot Beng?" Debbie asked.
"Well... She's grieving over Vicky and will be off for a week. When you see her, be respectful of her. Everything is out of her control. You all understand?" Miss Sherlys tone was clear.
They all nodded.
"Right so I am going to start with the lesson. Now, Pythagoras..."

The lesson felt like it dragged forever. They were doing their worksheets. And still, Vincent was stuck on it.
But Jianhao actually got it what they were meant to do.
He saw Denise, peering over a textbook that said Further Math for High School
Looking over at it, he saw Denise stuck on a question. She was trying to solve it, but no could do, she kept getting it wrong and tears had formed in her eyes already.
"Denise, you know you don't have to do the question right?" Jianhao asked cautiously.
"I need to. Leave me alone Hao. If I don't do it, what will my life be? I know what to do. It's just wrong. Hang on..."
"Denise, you should take a break."
"Leave me alone Hao!" It was so loud the class went quiet to hear it.
Then Denise said, "Your always and will be a distraction, Hao. Just leave me alone. It's not difficult. You don't know the pressure im being put through."
And she left.
"Wait but Denise!" Until teverly came over to him.
Vincent was looking, but not in amusement. In fear of what he would do to Hao.
"Leave Denise alone. She doesn't like you or Vincent for the the matter and she's trying to be a good student. She's going to be top student, not that you 2 would care."
Teverly's smug expressions were no match for Hao.
He couldn't think of anything to say before Teverly left.
Cheryl came up to him and said, "hey Hao be careful. He could have had something up his sleeve!"
"Yeah but I didn't feel anything... Is that normal or?"
"Normally your meant to feel signs of regret, guilt. And you didn't feel it?" Cheryl pondered.
The question continued to baffle Cheryl even when she went back to her seat.
Miss Sherly had come in, with flyers that said HELP OUT FOR OPEN EVENING
Obviously it would be what denise would go to.
And Hao had a plan.
He would go.
"Miss Sherly," do you have any flyers? I would like to do the open evening."


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