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A/N: it's all 3rd POV unless said otherwise but it will be mostly 3rd POV. I hope it's all 3rd POV. I'll try 😊. I also hope I don't get hit by a car like what happened when I was writing a fanfic. This is also going to be on Ao3. Enjoy guys. For you's in Wattpad, these chapters may seem long for you.

It's a normal day like any other for a favorite married couple. Which obviously is Shouta Aizawa and Hizashi Yamada, or you could say EraserHead and Present Mic. Both pro heroes. But also both male. It's sad. They want to have a child but can't.

Luckily for them, they soon find a doctor who can make babies using the parents DNA.

This was how it went.

It was Aizawa's Birthday. Aizawa's most hated day. He hated all the attention he would get. All he wanted was to sleep through the whole day. That would I be a great birthday present. But Hizashi had different plans.

Mic came into the room all smiling "Oh Shou~"

Aizawa replied to him in a grumpy tone as he had just been awakened from his nap "...what now Mic?"
"I've got you a present!" Spoke mic. I can say one thing is that Mic was very enthusiastic.

"If it's not more sleep then I don't want it." Aizawa mumbled. The man was sleep deprived but he had a opposite husband. I guess opposites attract.

"Remember how you said you always wanted a kid of your own with me?" Mic questioned. This made Aizawa spit out his coffee.

"Yeah? Did you get hit by a girl quirk or some shit?" Aizawa joked back. They always joked like this.

"O- how sweet of you Shou, but no. I've found a doctor who can make you a baby with the parents DNA! It will be like a child of our own Shou!" Mic was very enthusiastic.

It was all silent for a few. Aizawa having the most shocked face ever and Mic questioning if this is there divorce.

Aizawa broke the silence first "So...When's the appointment?"
So just like that, Aizawa's birthday gift was to have a child.

They went to the doctor's office the next day and had to do some DNA swabs and get blood withdrawn. No biggy.

The doctor said that the kids quirk will be a mix of the two parents and completely under control. No mistakes.

He wasn't lying but he wasn't giving them the full truth. There was no mistakes but it was all on purpose.

Turns out, the doctor hadn't tested his quirk all the way and was quite curious about his limits, also what he could create. He tested it out this one time. One time wont hurt anyone. Right? The doctor didn't have any restrictions, so the natural this he did was put all of his possible energy into this process.

He had done his testing on the poor child and he couldn't wait to see the results. Since the child wouldn't be born with a quirk (obviously), he told Mic and Aizawa to keep in touch with him for any complications. He couldn't wait for his results.

but the thing is, he had obviously lied to them. He had put a child's life on the line just out of interest to see what he was capable of.

They named the baby Izuku Aizawa-Yamada as it was a boy and he deserved the two family names.

He had black hair like Aizawa, the cutest little freckles and bright green eyes like Mic. His eyes had a feature that the part of the Iris nearest the pupil would fade into a scarlet red like Aizawa's eyes (A/N: I know Aizawa's eyes are originally black but when he activates his quirk there red and I wanted it to make they eyes more interesting )

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